Principals and Accessories Flashcards
If 2+ persons act together to commit an offence, they may be tried as ________ ________
principal offendors
What are 4 ways a person may be charged as a principal offender?
If they
1. Aid
2. Abet
3. Counsel
4. Procure
another in committing an offence
Expand on the definitions of aid, abet, counsel and procure
- Aid = Asisting/helping
- Abet = Encouraging/enticing
- Counsel = Advising/Soliciting
- Procure = Endeavour to have someone commit the offence
To be guilty of aiding, abetting, counselling, or procuring, the jury must decide that the participant’s conduct was ______ of aiding/abetting etc. the Defendant, but it need ___ __ ____ done so
It must also be shown that the participant ______ the crime to be committed
capable, not in fact, wanted
What is an innocent agent?
A person who D asks to do something that D knows is an offence, but the other person isn’t aware. D can still be guilty of the offence as a principal offendor
What must be shown for a participant to be found as a principal offender in the commission of D’s offence?
Participant must intend that D will commit the offence - foreseeing that D might commit it isn’t enough