In 19___, the DRE was organized into __ parts of Division ___ of the Business and Professional Code
2 parts (sections)
Division 4
Section 1. Real Estate Law
Section 2. Subdivided Lands Law
Commision’s regulation 2770 is about
Anyone who advertises real estate service BUT they are not to be considered a broker if any apply:
- ad NOT directed at CA consumer
- Limited to general info
- Includes “not available to persons in CA”
Licensee’s who advertise on the internet are required by law to…
indicate their license status
The main purpose of the CA DRE is…
To protect the public
Police Power is…
The right of the state to enact laws for the order, safety, health, morals and general welfare of the public
And controls land use.
To be the CA Commissioner, you must…
Appointed by the Governor and…
- Be a broker for 5 years in CA
OR - Posses 5 years related experience in CA during the last 10 years
The only unlicensed person who can solicit for the sale of real property is…
The OWNER or their legal representative
To get an “Original Broker License” you must…
- Be actively engaged as a licensed Salesperson for 2 years during the last 5
- Complete 8 classes (5 mandatory and 3 elective)
Another way to get the “Original Broker Licencse” is…
- Prove you were a CA Salesperson for 2 years
- Prove that you were a Broker in another State
- Major or Minor in College Real Estate
A corporation may be licensed as a real estate broker if…
An officer of the corporation is a qualified Broker willing to act as the designated Broker-Officer
The continuing education requirement after obtaining a license is…
45 hours every 4 years
____ years after a license expires, all license rights lapse
Salesperson Examination Fee is ___
License Fee is ___
Total Due to DRE is ___
Fingerprint Fee is ___ and due to ____
$49 to “Live Scan” company
Broker Examination Fee is ___
License Fee is ___
Total Due to DRE is ___
Fingerprint Fee is ___ and due to ____
$49 to “Live Scan” company
Renewal Fee is
Salesperson ___
Broker ___
Sections _____ and _____ of the Business and Professional Code constitute the _______
10176, 10177
foundation for most license suspensions and revocations
Most are
- Misrepresentation
- False Promise
- Dual Agency
A candidate for a Salesperson’s license must…
- Be 18 years of age
- Pass the written exam
- Provide proof of legal presence in the US
- Disclose any criminal violation
After a license is revoked, that person must….
Wait 1 year before applying again
What is RE214?
The Salesperson Change Application for moving to a different Broker
Must be filed with the DRE within 5 days
PRLS is?
Prepaid Rental Listing Service
Allows you to get paid for providing a list of rentals
What is the Real Estate General Fund
-Holds all the money from Exam and License fees and used for DRE Operating Expenses
20% set aside…
- 8% Education and Research Fund
- 12% Recovery Fund
The Max liability for the Recovery Fund is
ONE transaction up to 50k
TOTAL judgments against one licensee is $250,000
How long is the Salesperson exam and how many questions are there? What is the passing score?
- 3 hours long
- 150 questions
- 70%
How many salesperson examinations can you take if you don’t pass?
-Unlimited but application only good for 2 years