Prime Number Theorem Flashcards
Prove the following LEMMA:
Let χ be a character mod q induced by χ’ a character mod q’ (admit the case χ’=1). Then summing in each case over primes p=(p)•logp +O(logp)
The difference is bounded by:
Σlogp where we sum over p<logq
What is the explicit formula for the sum of the log of the primes less than x?
What about the weighted sum by the character χ?
Let 2d/2logx where d is the small constant needed to limit the number of zeros of such L functions.
Prove the following LEMMA:
Let 1<d/logT and |γ|<T
This sum is less than the sum when we just sum over ρ with |γ|<n+1}
State the prime number theorem
There exists c>0 such that
Σlogp = x - Ο(x•exp(-c•sqr(logx)))
Where sine is over p<x, and/
Where integral is from 2 to x
State the PNT for AP’s
Sketch a proof
PNT in AP’s:
There is a constant c>0 such thy for all q1-δ/logq. Let A>0. If q0 such that we get the same sum, without the middle term and replace c with cA in formula above.
Sketch of proof:
We use orthogonality of character to say the sum is:
Where the first sum is over characters mod q and the second is over primes less than x.
Let χ’ be the character inducing χ and edit the term χ(p) introducing a certain error term.
Now use the explicit formula and bound the sum over zeros, setting qs theorem to bound exceptional zero term.