Finishing Dirichlets Prime Number Theorem Flashcards
What is the dedekind ζ function for a number field K?
What is the respective ruler product formula?
where we sum over all ideals in the ring if integers.
where now we sum over all prime ideals in Οκ.
What is the analytic class number formula?
K a number field of degree n=r1+2•r2. Then:
Where the limit is as s tends to 0, and:
hK =class number formula
ωκ=number of roots of unity in K
RK=regulator of K
Show that:
Use this to show that limit as s tends to 1 of L(s,(D/•)) is positive
First part follows once we see that each prime ideal of the ring of integers of K divides a prime p in Z and we know how these factor in our quadratic extension.
Second part, split into case K is imaginary and real.
Then (D/•) is odd, and Rκ is 1. Now use the above observation, the analytic class number formula, and the functional equation for L-functions.
L-function is even, the regulator is logε for some fundamental unit ε. Then use the same info as above.