Primary Immunodeficiency, Autoimmune Disorders, Wound Healing Flashcards
DiGeorge Syndrome
developmental failure of third and fourth pharyngeal pouches
»»due to a 22q11 micro deletion
Presents with T-cell deficiency (lack of thymus)
Hypocalcemia (lack of parathyroid)
and abnormalities of the heart, great vessels, and face
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID)
Defective cell mediated and humoral immunity
Etiologies include:
- Cytokine Receptor Defects
- cytokine signaling is necessary for proliferating and maturation of B and T cells - Adenosine Deaminase defeciency
- ADA is needed for deamination of adenosine and deoxyadenosine for excretion as waste products; build up of adenosine and deoxyadenosine is toxic to lymphocytes - MHC class II deficiency
- MHC class II is necessary for CD4+ helper T cell activation and cytokine production
SCID increases the susceptibility to:
characterized by susceptibility to fungal, viral, bacterial, and protozoal infections including opportunistic infections and live vaccines
Treatment for SCID
sterile isolation “bubble baby” and stem cell transplantation
X Linked Agammaglobulinemia
complete lack of immunoglobulin due to disordered B cell maturation
pre and pro B cells cannot mature
due to mutated Bruton Tyrosine Kinase X linked
live vaccines (e.g. polio) must be avoided!
Presentation of X Linked Agammaglobulinemia
presents after 6 mo. of life with recurrent bacterial, enterovirus (e.g. polio and cocksackievirus), and giardia lamblia infections
..maternal antibodies present during first 6 mo. of life are protective
Live Vaccines (e.g. Polio) must be avoided*
Common Variable Immunodefeciency (CVID)
low immunoglobulin (due to B cell or Helper T cell defects)
increased risk for bacterial enterovirus, and giardia lamblia infections, usually in ** late childhood **
increased risk for autoimmune disease and lymphoma
IgA Defeciency
low serum and mucosal IgA;
most common immunoglobulin defeciency
increased risk for mucosal infection, especially viral
however, most pts. are asymptomatic
Hyper IgM Syndrome
elevated IgM
due to mutated CD40L (on helper T cells) or CD40 receptor (on B cells)
- second signal cannot be delivered to helper T cells during B cell activation.
- consequently, cytokines necessary for immunoglobulin class switching are not produced ***
[Low IgA, IgG, and IgE] result in recurrent pyrogenic infections (due to poor opsinization), especially at mucosal sites
Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome
[thrombocytopenia, eczema, recurrent infections]
(defect in humoral and cellular immunity)
bleeding is major cause of death
due to mutation of WASP gene; X linked
Complement Deficiencies
C5-9 deficiencies - increased risk for Neissaria infection (N gonnorhea and N meningitidis)
C1 inhibitor deficiency - results in hereditary angioedema, especially periorbital edema and mucosal surfaces