Pathology I (end page 16) Flashcards
Pathway responsible for decreasing cell number
Pathway responsible for decreasing cell size
degradation/autophagy..ubiquitin is a tag, proteosome is they degradation powerhouse
vauoles - lysosomes - hydrolytic enzymes
induced by stress
metaplastic cells are better able to handle stress
classic example - barrets esophagus - due to acid reflux
Barrets Esophagus
metaplastic change from nonkeratinized squamous (which is able to handle friction of food bolus) to squamous non ciliated mucin producing cells (better able to tolerate acid)
Is Metaplasia reversible?
yes if stressor is removed in time e.g. treating GERD
however, if it persists, can progress to dysplasia, e.g. barrets progressing to adenocarcinoma
Apocrine Metaplasia of The Breast
metaplasia induced, however even if persistent, carries no increased risk of cancer
Vitamin A Metaplasia
ketaomalacia of the conjunctiva - conversion of goblet cell columnar to keratinized squamous
induced by vitamin A defeciency; vit A needed for proper differentiation of conjunctival tissue
Myositis Ossificans
connective tissue in muscle changes to bone, during healing, after trauma
disordered cell growth
typically a precancerous growth
can stem from hyperplasia (endometrial hyperplasia) or metaplasia (barrets esophagus)
aplasia is a failure of cell production during embryogenesis
example: unilateral renal agenesis
decrease in cell production in embryogenesis
results in small organ
Streak Ovary
Turner Syndrome
example of small organ formation from hypoplasia
slow developing ischemia
e.g. renal artery atherosclerosis
results in atrophy
acute ischemia
e.g. renal artery embolus
results in injury
Final electron acceptor in oxidative phorphorylation
hypoxia can impair pathway; impair ATP production
Causes of Ischemia
decreased arterial perfusion (atherosclerosis)
decreased venous drainage (Budd-Chiari Syndrome)
shock (generalized hypotension)
arterial pressure (o2)
Causes of Hypoxemia
high altitude (decreased barometric pressure) hypoventilation (increased pCO2 and decreased O2) Diffusion Defect - can't push as much oxygen into blood V/Q Mistmatch - blood bypasses oxygenated lung or oxygenated air cannot reach the lung
Diffusion Defect
can’t push as much oxygen into blood
e.g. pulmonary interstitial fibrosis
V/Q Mistmatch
- blood bypasses oxygenated lung (right to left shunt)
- or oxygenated air cannot reach the lung (ventilation problem; atelectasis)
decrease in mass of RBC
saturation of oxygen and arterial oxygen pressure are NORMAL
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
CO binds Hgb more closely than O2
classic sign - cherry red skin
early sign of exposure - headaches
iron in heme oxidized to 3+ instead of 2+
can’t bind oxygen as well
saturation goes down
arterial pressure remains same
Where do you see Methemoglobinemia?
oxidant stress (sulfa and nitrate drugs) or in newborns
Classical Findings of Methemoglobinemia
chocolate colored blood
Treatment of Methemoglobinemia
IV metheylene Blue - helps turn Fe 3+ to 2+
Hallmark of Reversible Cell Injury
cell swelling
initial phase of cell injury is reversible
Initial Phase of Cell Injury
loss of microvilli
membrane blebbing
swelling of rER - dissociation of ribosomes - decreased protein synthesis
Hallmark of Irreversible Injury
Membrane Damage **
end result of irreversible injury is cell death
Result of Membrane Damage (irreversible injury)
enzyme leakage (serum troponin) additional calcium enters the cell **
Mitochondrial Damage
loss of electron transport chain (inner mitochondrial membrane)
cytochrome c leaks into cytosol
Cytochrome C leakage
leaks into cytosol from cell damage
activates apoptosis
Morphological Hallmark of Cell death
Loss of a nucleus
Loss of Nucleus
nuclear condensation (pyknosis)
fragmentation (karyorrhexis)
dissolution (karyolysis)
2 mechanisms of cell death
- necrosis and apoptosis *
followed by acute inflammation
has several gross patterns
Coagulative Necrosis
characteristic of ischemic infarcts
tissue remains firm
cell shape/organ structure preserved by coagulation of proteins
nucleus disappears
wedge shaped on gross exam; pale appearance
Characteristic of Ischemic Infarcts
Coagulative Necrosis ** (except for brain)*
Red Infarctions
occurs if blood re enters loosley organized tissue following a coagulative necrosis
e.g. pulmonary and testicular infarcts*
Liquefactive Necrosis
necrotic tissue becomes liquefied; enzymatic lysis
Liquefactive Necrosis is characteristic of:
Brain Infarction* - proteolytic enzymes from microglial cells
Abscess* - proteolytic enzymes from neutrophils
Pancreatitis* - proteolytic enzymes from pancreas liquify parenchyma
3 places you will find Liquefactive Necrosis
Brain Infarct
Gangrenous Necrosis
- coagulative necrosis that resembles mummified tissue (dry gangrene)
- ischemia of lower limb and GI tract
- if superimposed infection then can get liquefactive necrosis on top of it (wet gangrene)
Caseous Necrosis
soft and friable necrotic tissue with cottage cheese appearance
combination of coag. and liquefactive necrosis
Ischemia of lower limb and GI tract
Gangrenous Necrosis
Wet Gangrene vs. Dry Gangrene
Wet - gangrenous necrosis with superimposed infection that precipitates liquefactive necrosis
Dry - coagulative necrosis that resembles mummified tissue
Common Places you will find Caseous Necrosis
granulmatous inflammation due to TB or fungal infection
Granulamatous inflammation due to TB or Fungal Infection
Caseous Necrosis is a common feature*
Fat Necrosis
chalky white appearance due to calcium deposition
fatty acids released from damage to fat e.g. breast or pancreatitis mediated damage of peripancreatic fat
Fat Necrosis and Saponification
Saponification - fatty acids join with calcium
- saponification is an example of dystrophic calcification in which calcium deposits on dead tissues
necrotic tissue acts as a nidus for calcification in setting of NORMAL serum calcium and phosphate
Saponification and Dystrophic Calcification
necrotic tissue acts as a nidus for calcification in setting of NORMAL serum calcium and phosphate
Fat Necrosis and Metastatic Calcification
unlike dystrophic calcification…occurs when there is HIGH serum calcium and phosphate levels
leads to calcium deposition in tissues (hyperparathyroidism leading to nephrocalcinosis)
Fibrinoid Necrosis
necrotic damage to blood vessel
leakage of fibrin
bright pink staining
malignant hypertension and vasculitis
2 common pathologies with fibrinoid necrosis
malignant HTN and Vasculitis
ATP dependent Examples - endometrial shedding - removal of cells durng embryogenesis - CD8 T cell mediated killing of virally infected cells
CD8 T cell mediated killing of Virally infected cells
Morphology of Apoptosis
Dying cell - shrinks, cytoplasm will become more eosinophlic (pink)
Nucleus condenses and fragments in organized manner
apoptotic bodies fall from cell and removed from macrophages
no inflammation follows