Primary Immune Deficiency Flashcards
What is PID?
Inherited defects in innate or acquired immune system.
Which parts of the immune system are affected by PID?
Cell mediated
What are the innate syndromes of PID?
· Neutropenia NP
· Chronic granulomatous disease CGD – 0.2/100k.
· Complement deficiency cD – 1/10k.
What are the humoral syndromes of PID?
· IgA deficiency (common) IgAD – 2/1k
· Transient hypogammaglobuminaemia of infancy THI
· X linked agammaglobulinaemia XLAG
· Common variable immunodefieicncy CVD
What are the cell mediated syndromes of PID?
· Severe combined immunodefieicncy (Reticular dysgenesis/leukocyte adhesion) – 1/75k. Very severe.
· Wiskott-Aldrich WA - 0.15/100k.
· DiGeorge DiG – 1/5k.
What is the aetiology of the innate PID?
NP: congenital (Kostmanns) cyclical or secondary to chemotherapy.
CGD: X linked or AR.
CD: AR or due to consumption (SLE)
What is the aetiology of the humoral PID?
SigAD: AD or after viral infection.
CVID: gene environment interaction.
XLAG: X linked TK gene in early B lymphocytes.
What is the aetiology of the cell mediated PID?
SCID: 50% X linked recessive, 50% AR.
WAS: X lnked.
DiG: Microdeletion on 22q11.
What is the history and exam for innate PID?
NP: Life threatening, early presentation, bacterial infection.
CGD: Deep abscess formaiton, chronic granulomas, bowel granulomas.
CD: Meningococcal and neisserial infections.
What is the history and exam for humoral PID?
SIGAD: Recurrent normal circualting infeciton (GI/URTI)
THI: as above.
CVID: Similar to SIGAD
What is the history and exam for cell mediated PID?
SCID: Fail to thrive, diahrrea, lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, recurrent bacterial viral fungal infections, PCP etc.
XLAG: Bacterial infections >6month due to maternal Ab decreasing.
WAS : Severe eczema, easy bruising, recurrent bacterial viral fungal infections.
DIG: Midline facial cleft, dysmorphic features, CHD. Hypocalcaemia, recurrent infections.
What is the pathology for innate PID?
CGD: Imapried macrophage bacterial killing
CD: Deficiency in complement leading to lower encapsulated bacteria immunity.
SIGAD: Fail of maturation of IggA B cells, immature forms present.
What is the pathology for humoral PID?
CVID: Defect in B cell class switch
THI: Delay in maturation of immune system.
What is the pathology for cell mediated PID?
SCID: deficienct and defect in T and B cell function, impaired cell mediated immunity. Absence of lymph nodes, tonsils, adenoids.
XLA: Lack of mature B cells, no serum Ig. T cell funciton normal.
WAS: T cell dysfunciton, microthrombocytopenia and bleeding diatheses.
DIG: Absent thymus -> no T cell development.
What investigations do you do for PID?
Baseline immunity screen: WCC and differential, Serum Ig, Ab response to vaccines.
Second line consider lymphocyte subset analysis, funcitonal complement analysis, NBT test for CGD. IgE levels.
CXR for absent thymus in DG or SCID.
What management do you do for PID?
Imunisation if functional B and T cells present
If SCID, WAS< CGD, and DIG only cure is BM transplant.
Prophylactic Abx: azithromycin, cotrimoxazole PCP.
Antifungals: itraconazole/fluconazole in CGD/Tcell dysfuncitons.
G-CSF: for severe neutropenia.
Ig: IVIG or SCIG mat be required
Gene and enzyme therapy in some SCID forms,
What are the complications and prognosis of PID?
Fail to thrive, days off school, bronchiectasis, opportunistic infections.
SIGAD normal life, THI usually resolve by itself, XLA good prognosis if receiving Ig before 5y of age, SCID requires a BMT ASAP.