Primary care presentations Flashcards
T/F When relevant, cancer should
always be in your differential
3rd leading cause of cancer and cancer deaths in both men and women
(Incidence and death rates have dropped significantly in the last 30 years)
Colon cancer
Colon cancer incidence
● 149,500 cases in the US in 2021
● 52,980 deaths in the US in 2021
Most colorectal cancer arises from _____
adenomatous polyps
Colon cancer risk factors
○Lifestyle – diet high in fat, obesity, tobacco use
Hereditary syndrome
○ Familial polyposis of the colon (Polyposis coli)
○ MYH-Associated Polyposis (MAP)
○ Lynch Syndrome – Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colon Cancer (HNPCC)
Inflammatory bowel disease
Streptococcus bovis
Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colon Cancer (HNPCC)
Lynch Syndrome
Colon Cancer risk reduction
○ Estrogen replacement (risk/benefit)
○ Vit D (promising, still under study)
Prevention for colon cancer
○ Colonoscopy
■ Removal of adenomatous polyps
before they become cancerous
■ Detect cancer early
Colon Cancer S/S - Ascending
● Less formed stool
○ More likely asymptomatic
○ Less likely to feel obstruction or have
change in bowel habits
● Fatigue, palpitations
● Chronic blood loss → Microcytic anemia
indicative of iron deficiency
● Weight loss (later stages)
Colon cancer S/S - Descending and Sigmoid
● More formed stool as it progressives through colon
○ Impede stool → cramping, bowel
● Narrow stool
● Hematochezia
● Tenesmus
● Weight loss (later stages)
Colon Cancer - Diagnosis
(patient with symptoms)
○ Fecal occult blood
○ Colonoscopy (Gold Standard)
■ Biopsy
○ Barium enema (may be considered)
Colon Cancer staging
○ TNM classification
○ CT Chest/Abd/Pelvis
○ Genomic studies and DNA Sequencing
Colon Cancer Treatment
○ Treatment and prognosis are based on staging
○ Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) Level (tumor marker)
○ CT Chest/Abd/Pelvis
○ Surgical resection – Attempt at total resection
■ Early small non-invasive malignant polyps may be removed with
colonoscopy, but must have clear margins
○ Radiation therapy
○ Chemotherapy – 5-fluorouracil prior to surgery
○ Monoclonal antibodies – cetuximab and panitumumab
Leading cause of female cancers
Breast cancer
Breast cancer incidence
● 281,550 cases in the US in 2021
● 43,600 deaths in the US in 2021 (decrease by > 1⁄3 in last decades)
Breast Cancer - Risk factors
○ Age over 50
○ Familial risk – 1st degree relative
○ Gene Mutations – BRCA1 and BRCA2
○ Hormone-dependent (early menarche, later first pregnancy)
○ Obesity
○ Moderate alcohol intake
○ Chest radiation before age 30 yrs
Breast cancer risk reduction
○ Avoidance hormone replacement (HRT)
○ Early menopause
○ Duration of maternal nursing (longer is better)
Breast cancer prevention
○ Self awareness – rather than regular breast exams
○ Screening mammograms/MRI
○ Tamoxifen and raloxifene used for
chemoprophylaxis in high risk*
○ Prophylactic mastectomy – high risk individuals
Breast cancer S/S
○ Breast mass/nodule (document size and location) - more likely to be painless
○ Dimpling
○ Skin changes “peau d’orange”
○ Nipple discharge or retraction
○ Enlargement or shrinkage of the breast
Breast Cancer Diagnosis
○ Diagnostic mammogram (not the same as screening)
■ Takes longer, varied angles, magnification of area of concern
○ Additional imaging usually for higher risk
■ Targeted breast U/S
■ MRI (High sensitivity, but not specific → increased biopsies)
○ Breast biopsy
Breast cancer staging
○ TNM classification
○ Genetic test and DNA sequencing with specific gene expression
Breast cancer treatment
○ Based on staging and gene expression
■ HER2, ER, PgR
○ Surgical – lumpectomy, partial or complete mastectomy, etc
○ Radiation
○ Systemic treatments
■ Hormone Therapy (selective estrogen-receptor modulators “SERM”)
■ Anti-HER2 – monoclonal antibodies (Herceptin)
■ Chemotherapy
Leading cause of cancer deaths in the US and Europe
Lung cancer
Lung cancer incidence
● 235,760 cases in the US in 2021
● 131,880 deaths in the US in 2021
Increased rates in minority populations – Black, Hispanics, Asian
Lung cancer Highly associated with ____ use (known since the 1960s)
Lung cancer screening
○ Adults 50 to 80 years with 20 pack-year smoking history and
currently smoke, or have quit within the past 15 years
■ Low-dose computed tomography (CT) every year
○ Stop screening once a person has not smoked for 15 years or has
a health problem that limits life expectancy or the ability to
have lung surgery
○ Grade: B
Lung cancer risk factors
○ Cigarette smoking (greater than a 10 fold increase)
■ Former smokers are at reduced risk compared to current smokers
○ Second-hand smoke
○ Asbestos, arsenic, chemical exposure
○ Low fruit and vegetable intake
○ Ionizing radiation
○ Chronic lung disease – TB, emphysema
○ Certain inherited genetic traits may be a factor
Lung cancer S/S
○ Cough 8-75%
○ Weight Loss 0-68%
○ Dyspnea 3-60%
○ Chest pain 20-49%
○ Hemoptysis 6-25%
○ Fever 0-10%
○ Weakness 0-10%
Lung cancer Findings Suggestive of Metastasis
○ Weight loss > 10 lbs
○ Neurological – HA, syncope, seizure,
altered mental status
○ Bone pain
○ Lymphadenopathy (SVCS)
○ Hoarseness
○ Pancoast tumor
○ Papilledema
○ Malignant pleural effusion
___ (tumor of the lung apex) can
cause pain down the arm in an ulnar
distribution, and can cause Horner syndrome
Pancoast tumor
Horner Syndrome
○ Sympathetic nerve palsy
■ Enophthalmos
■ Ptosis
■ Miosis
■ Anhidrosis
Lung Cancer diagnosis
○ Imaging – CXR, CT, MRI
○ Sputum cytology – low yield
○ Biopsy – bronchoscopy, percutaneous image
guided FNA
■ Type of cancer based on morphology and cytology
Lung Cancer - Four major types
■ Small Cell Carcinoma: Common with tobacco use, more aggressive
■ Large Cell Carcinoma
■ Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Common with tobacco use
■ Adenocarcinoma: More common as smoking rates have decreased
Lung Cancer Staging
○ TNM classification – ie. lymph node sampling, metastatic spread, etc.
○ “Physiologic staging” – Tx tolerance? Consider comorbidities
○ Genetic testing and DNA Sequencing
Lung Cancer Treatment – NSCLC
○ Surgical resection
○ Radiation and/or chemotherapy if more advanced
○ Immunotherapy based on specific gene expression
■ T cells become active against tumor cells
Lung Cancer Treatment – SCLC
○ More highly aggressive form of cancer, high relapse potential
○ Chemotherapy and/or radiation as first line
○ Surgery is not often indicated
Most common gynecologic malignancy
Uterine cancer
Uterine cancer incidence
● 66,570 cases in the US in 2021
● 12,940 deaths in the US in 2021
Different types of tumors of the uterus
○ Benign – uterine fibroid (leiomyoma)
○ Malignant (leiomyosarcoma)
■ Most (80%) are endometrial adenocarcinomas
Uterine cancer Risk Factors
○ Obesity
○ Postmenopausal estrogen treatment
○ Lynch Syndrome
○ Long-term use of Tamoxifen
Tamoxifen BBW
Tamoxifen antiestrogenic in the breast but is associated with weak estrogenic effects in uterine epithelium→ increased risk of endometrial cancer
Uterine cancer S/S
○ Postmenopausal bleeding
○ Premenopausal women – atypical bleeding between cycles
○ Pelvic mass…with or without bleeding
○ Pelvic pain (+/-)
Uterine cancer Diagnosis
○ Imaging – Ultrasound
○ Biopsy – endometrial biopsy w/o or
w/ Hysteroscopy
Uterine cancer staging
○ 75% of disease is localized to the
uterus (Stage 1)
○ Genetic testing – Lynch
Uterine cancer treatment
○ Hysterectomy with removal of
ovaries and fallopian tubes
■ Stage 1
○ Chemotherapy for later stages
■ Node involvement
○ Immunotherapy
Two main categories of lymphoma
○ Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
○ Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
Lymphoma Risk Factors
○ Epstein Barr, HHV-8, HTLV-1
○ H. pylori and MALT
○ Acquired or inherited immunodeficiency – HIV (17x higher)
○ Autoimmune diseases
○ Organ transplant
____ _ is bimodal peak at 20’s and 50’s +, enlarge lymph node
typically found in upper body, presence of _____ , easier
recognize and treat
Hodgkins; Reed-Sternberg Cells
_____ rates rise with age >40, but still common in children and
young adults, depending on the type, arise anywhere in the body, less
predictable, harder to treat
T/F Non-hodgkin’s is easier to treat
Lymphoma S/S
○ Painless, firm, “rubbery” lymph nodes
■ May become painful after alcohol consumption
○ Fatigue
○ Pallor
○ Fever
○ Night sweats
○ Hepatosplenomegaly
○ Generalized pruritus
Lymphoma Diagnosis
○ Imaging – U/S, CT
○ Excisional biopsy
○ Bone marrow biopsy
Lymphoma Staging
○ Varies based on type – DNA analysis
○ Blood levels – Peripheral blood blast counts and Lactate dehydrogenase,
Lymphoma Treatment
○ Chemotherapy
○ Bone marrow transplant
○ Immunotherapy
○ Surgery if indicated (based on type)
Lymphoma monitoring
○ Imaging – PET/CT, CT, MRI
○ Possible bone marrow or tissue Bx (depending on cancer involvement)