Price fixing Flashcards
Is charging the same price by all competitors evidence of a price-fixing conspiracy?
No, similar prices may result from competition.
Price-fixing conspiracy requires more evidence than just similar pricing.
Simultaneous price increases announced by all competitors is evidence of what
price fixing
This suggests coordinated actions rather than competitive behavior.
Does the absence of identical prices indicate no conspiracy?
No, the absence of identical prices does not rule out the existence of a conspiracy.
Different pricing strategies can still align with collusive behavior.
True or False: A company can be involved in a price-fixing conspiracy even if its prices are not the same as its competitors.
Different pricing does not negate the possibility of coordinated price increases.
What is price fixing?
A conspiracy between competitors to set prices
Price fixing is illegal and can lead to significant penalties for those involved.
Is the action of five agents agreeing to charge the same commission rate considered price fixing?
Four real estate companies produced a commercial highlighting their commission rate of 6%. Is this considered price fixing?
Price fixing