Prevodi Flashcards
To je bil povod za vse te govorice o plemenu, ki živi na drevesu.
This was a cause for all these rumours about the tribe, who lives on the tree.
Zelo se je potrudil, da je vse te hiše skril.
He went to great pains to hide all these tree houses.
Potrebno je bilo upoštevati določena pravila: nič smeti.
Certain rules have to be obeyed: no litter.
Tega sploh niso opazili.
This went unnoticed.
Srečal se je z direktorjemparka.
He was met by park Director.
Ganljiva zgodba.
Touching tale.
Rad ima samoto in veliko časa preživi na drevesih.
He likes the solitude and spends each minute on the trees.
Hiša ponuja lep razgled na park.
The house offers the spectacular view of the park.
Zanemarjeni deli parka.
Neglected corners of the park.
Najimenitnejša hiša.
Magnificent house.
Čudili smo se izjemni izdelavi.
We marvelled at the spectacular workmanship.
To ti bo zelo prav prišlo.
It will come in handy.
O tem nisem več razmišljal.
I didn’t give it another thought.
Bil sem presenečen.
I was stunned.
Lažna agencija.
Phony agency.
Veliko povpraševanje po nekem izdelku.
The item is in high demand.
Lastnik je odgovoril po mejlu.
The owner answered by email.
Na vhodu v dvorano.
At the gate
Izpolni formulo.
Fill out the form.
Karte sva res želela dobiti.
We were desperate to get our hands on a couple of tickets.
Počutil sem se kod bedak.
I felt like a mug.
Ne nasedajte prevaram.
Don’t fall for the scams.
Bil sem besen.
I was fuming.
Hlače na zvonec.