Current articles Flashcards
Prenapolnjeni centri.
Overflowing centres.
Upoštevati obveznosti.
Comply with obligation.
Zapuščene hiše.
Abandoned houses.
Mene moj nered ne moti
My diorder doesnt get in my way.
Plastične vrečke
Carier bags.
To se mi ne zdi več novo, zgubilo je čar.
This doesn’t seem novel any more, it lost it’s appeal.
Zamotil sem se z gledanjem TV.
I was distracted by watching TV.
Kriminal je porasel za 10%.
Crime has increased by 10%.
Prijatelj me je odvrnil od tega.
My friend deter me from it.
Poskušaj ga s čim zamotiti.
Try to distract him with something.
Vse je šlo narobe.
It all started to go downhill.
Spravi vse v vrečko.
Bag it up.
Prijatelji so se me začeli izogibati
Friend started to swerve me.
Države, ki jih je prizadel ta problem.
Many countries were affected by this problem.
Otok Malta jim ni dovolil izkrcati se.
The island of Malta didn’t let them dock.