Previous Test Questions (which may or may not be on this test) Flashcards
don't rely only on these....they pull from multiple test banks. These may or may not be on the test.
You will be shown a picture of a logan’s bar and asked to identify it.
It goes across the face to protect the suture line.
What goes with TEF
the 3 c’s.
Know hemophelia
Fresh frozen plasma was a priority given to an injured hemopheliac. Also know which factor causes which of the two types.
Question on Ribbon-like stools
This would be Hirchsprung’s disease
Antiseseption? (spelling)
Save the diapers to observe the stools.
What is contraindicated with hernias?
Turn, cough and deep breathing.
What causes nursemaid’s elbow?
Swinging a child by the arms.
Shining a light behind the balls….
Transillumination of the hydrocele. It is not a tumor.
What do you do with a newborn who has chriptorchidism?
Just observe. We don’t do anything for it until they get older.
Where are pinworms found?
Thrush (candida albicans) is treated with…
Nistantin swish and swallow.
How do you treat pinworms?
Vermox. A parent can tape up the anus and drop the tape in a jar and the doc will examine it.
Who all gets treated for pinworms?
The whole family.
How do you know if a patient has apendicitis?
Rebound pain.
What is the most common GI complication? (GI, not GU)
There was a picture asking you to identify hypospadius.
Remember it is where the pee hole is on the bottom of the mushroom tip.
Know the CV disorders. Thalassemia, Kawasaki’s etc. They will be on the test.
Treatment for bladder spasms
Ditrapan (spelling) side effect is facial flushing, dry mouth and constipation.
Tightening of the foreskin is…
Phimosis and treatment is manual stretching.
Do you biopsy a wilm’s tumor?