Prevention of flies and mosquitos Flashcards
Which fly characteristic is 4 equally broad, dark longitudinal stripes ?
house fly
what is the blow fly also known as ?
blue bottle or green bottle flies
what color are the abdomens of the blow fly ?
large metallic shining blue or green abdomens
which fly bodies and wings are densely cover with hair and will invade dwellings to bite man, evenings and night ?
sand fly
what disease does the sand fly transmit ?
which fly fold their wings when resting, both sexes are blood suckers and are capable to transmitting trypanosomiasis ?
what is the black fly characteristics ?
dark in color
stout body with short broad wings
females leaves large size bite wound
which fly is a transmitter of vectoring onchocerciasis, river blindness ?
black fly
which fly inflicts painful bites and transmit anthrax and tularemia
horse fly
house and blow fly problem may be best corrected by removing or ?
containing garbage onboard or by controlling any nearby breeding source ashore
which fly have short flight range so elimination of potential breeding site near an infested area will give good control
Sand fly
amount the methods of control such as aerosol space spray have also been effective for adult control on which fly
black flies are effectively controlled by the application of what to streams where what form hasn’t develop yet ?
what is the characteristic of the aedes aegypti mosquito thorax and torso ?
lyre shaped silver white line on the thorax
white bands on the tarsal segment
which are the diseases that aedes aegypti transmit ?
dengue fever
yellow fever
filarial nematodes
anopheles mosquito species have wings that are ___ and their bodies rest with their head, thorax and abdoman all in a straight line, helt at ?
40 or 90 degrees to the surface on which they are sitting
which mosquito specie deposit the eggs in rafts or 100 or more eggs
culex eggs
which disease is transmitted by the culex species