Food operations inspections report Flashcards
Who are most often the highly susceptible populations?
immunocompromised individuals
Pre school children
older adults
facilities of custodial care, health care, assisted living
military personnel, DOD civilian or contractors operating in the field, training, combat or ships
What is provision?
Food safety criteria or guidelines
Which are the forms commonly use for food service inspections ?
DD 2971 conditional employed or food employee reporting agreement
DD 2972 risk assessment survey, use base on risk
DD 2973 food operations inspection report
DD 2974 Tactical kitchen report
self evaluations
which form number has follow up inspections and must be conducted within how long ?
DD 2973, follow up must be done within 7 days
Who should perform self evaluations, keep them documented weekly and on file for at least one year as well as daily informal evaluations
establishment manager or PIC
Which are the type of inspections that can be conducted?
pre operational inspections routine inspection follow up inspection complain inspection walkthrough inspection
Which are the inspection ratings?
Fully compliant
Substantially compliant
partially compliant
non compliant
No IHH, and 3 or more critical hits or 6 or more non-critical is which inspection rating?
Partially compliant
The meaning of italicized text in instructions in food operation inspections usually involved words such as ?
should, except for, may, need not, or does not apply
provisions that are critical, non critical or swing are identify by a specific character or letters at the end of the instruction, are?
(*) for critical
(N) non critical
(S) swing
Use to identify compliance criteria codes such as something they must do and something they don’t have to do after an inspection are called?
debitable and non debitable
Non-debitable provisions codes can be identify by how many zeros in a 2 and 3 digits after the decimal?
two digits, and the last digit is zero
3 digits and the last 2 digits are zeros
What is block 1-3 of the DD 2973 ?
facility name
What is block 4 and 14 of the DD 2973
What is block 5 and 15 of the DD 2973
inspection type
What is block 6, 7, 8 and 9 of the DD 2973
start time
end time
person in charge PIC
What is block 10 and 11 of the DD 2973
What is block 12 of the DD 2973
compliance status
What is block 16, 17, 18 of the DD 2973