Prevention of Chronic Disease Flashcards
20th Century Death Rate Trends
Declines in Cardiovascular Disease-Related Deaths in high-income countries
Deaths rates from heart disease and strokes have declined by 70% in AU, JA, UK, CA, And USA.
Improvements in Cardiovascular mortality in middle-income countries
Infectious Diseases used to account for most mortality
Traffic crashes are now leading cause of death in childhood
Social Determinants of Health
working, living conditions
social positions, unfavourable social conditions
Primordial Prevention
Underlying economic, social, and environmental conditions leading to causation
AIM: Establish & Maintain Conditions that Minimize Health Hazards
Action: Measures that inhibit the emergence of envir., eco., social., and behavioral conditions
Target: total pop., selected groups, thru health policy and promotion
Primary Prevention
Aim: reduce incidence of disease
Action: Protection by personal and communal efforts
Target: Total pop., selected group, thru public health programs
Secondary Prevention
Aim: Reduce prevalence of disease
Actions: measures avail. to individ. and communities for early detection and intervention
Target: indviduals w disease.
Tertiary Prevention
Aim: reduce number or impact of complication
Actions: measures aimed at shortening the impact of long-term disease and disability
Target: Patients
Screening programs
Process of using tests on a large scale to identify the presence of disease in healthy people
Mass Screening
to screen whole pop.
Multiple or Multiphastic Screening
Use several screening tests at once
Targeting screening
Of groups with specific exposures
Case-finding or opportunistic screening
aimed at patients who consult in a health practitioner for some purpose
Criteria for screening
§ Disorder, well defined
§ Prevalence, known
§ Natural history, long period between first signs and overt diseases; medically important disorder for which there is an effective remedy
§ Test choice, simple and safe
§ Test performance, distributions of test values in affected and unaffected individuals known
§ Financial, cost effective
§ Facilities, available or easily provided
§ Acceptability, procedures following a positive result are generally agreed upon and acceptable to both the screening authorities and those screened.
§ Equity, equity of access to screening services, effective, acceptable, and safe treatment available
Population Approach
Programs to reduce the risk across a whole population by a small amount i.e., small decrease in BMI in total community
Done thru environmental change
Small Cost
High-risk approach
Programs to reduce risk in people at high–risk of developing a disease (i.e., diabetes)
Done thru clinical prevention services
High cost per person