Prevention and LTC Flashcards
What 3 things must be included in a National Health Program, according to Henry Sigerist
- address fundamental social determinants of illness
- provide public health interventions to reduce incidence of illness in population as whole
- individual health care providers perform preventative interventions for individual patients
what has largest impact on life expectancy?death from infectious disease. childhood mortality?
public health interventions
individual interventions
medical model
includes surgery, medication therapy, counseling
population interventions (population model)
public health initiatives like clean water/ air, food pyramid, tax subsidies like food, education, jobs
chronic prevention
medical model
for non infectious diseases, individual plays major role in causing own illness,
known influences on outcomes:
smoking, drinking, poor diet
what are chronic illnesses usually cause by
poor diet
how is chronic prevention addressed in medial model
basically, medical model based on fixing the individual
identify high risk individals
offer individuall protection
chronic prevention public health model
basically chronic prevention public health model deals with addressing the population to decrease chronic illnesses
smoking ban in public
diet: food pyramid
exercise: education that is exercise is good for you
primary prevention
PREVENTING first outcome
secondary prevention
preventing having a second outcome. or treating the disease itself
goals of disease prveention
delay disability and death
maximize illness free years
to achieve these goals
improves standards of living
adopt public health measure
adopt public health measures
incorporate preventative medical care
basic human functions activities of daily living bathing eating dressing
instrumental activities of daily living
activities to remain independant ex: preparing meals shopping for groceries taking meds telephoning
your able to survive but you won’t be able to do so comfortably
physical therapy
gross motor movement
fine motor movement
who pays for longterm care
Medicaid: 34% medicare: 20% out of pocket: 22 % private insurance: 8% other: 8%
medicare coverage of LTC
what do they cover
only skilled care: BP check, wound dressing change, IV ABX
not custodial care : (i.e ADL) no reimbursement, for schorinc stable pt care
medicaid coverage of LTC
what do they cover
covers nursing home care
some home health care
but not 24 hour custodial care
custodial care
private coverage
requires deficits in multiple ADLs
doesn’t provide 100% coverage
who provides LTC
primarily informal caregivers, family, friends
community based and home health services
nursing homes
nursing homes and dementia
dementia is common in nursing homes
wide variation of quality of care.
disparities in health like low incomes, certain races, and more decrease worse quality of care
who re ideal care givers
friends and fsmily
has US implemented social insurance program for LTC
no. not yet