Preventing Injury Flashcards
Name the 8 ways to prevent injury?
Using FITT principle Specificity Progressive Overload Rest and Recovery Warming up/ cool down Protective equipment Checking equipment and facilitates Playing to the rules of competition
Name the 8 types of injuries??
Sprain Soft Tissue Injury Fractures Torn Cartilage Dislocation Strain Concussions Abrasions
Symptoms of concussion?
Slurred speech
Symptoms of fracture?
Pain at site of injury
Bone can be heard breaking
Inability to move it
Name the 4 types of fractures
5 types of closed fracture?
Green stick Transverse Impacted Comminuted Oblique
Symptoms of dislocations?
Deformity and swelling of joint
Symptoms of Sprains
What is a sprain?
A sprain is a damaged ligaments
What is torn Cartilage ?
Cartilage is a firm elastic substance which line adjoining bones. It absorbs the impact on the bones while reduces The friction in sports. Damage to the Cartilage is often due to wear and tear from long term overuse
What does RICE stand for?
Rest - Helps limit movement that can worsen injury
Ice - applied to area reduces swelling and helps stop bleeding
Compression - applying pressure to the area with a bandage to help stop bleeding
Elevation - Raising the injured area above the rest of the body as a way to reduce swelling