Preventative Strategies Flashcards
What are 2 Cooperative Learning Structures for Attention-Seeking Students? Why?
- Team Interviews
- Find Someone Who
*Because they give special attention to each student one at a time, which can lower their need for attention and disruption.
What are 3 Preventative Procedures for Attention-Seeking Students?
- Greet ‘Em: Great students at the door before class to show them you give them individual attention.
- Express Appreciation: Congratulate students to show them you do not give them attention only when they are disruptive.
- Name in an Example: Use names of students in your examples so they get the little dose of attention they need.
What are 2 Moment-of-Disruption Structures for Attention-Seeking Students? Why?
- Right Now Validation
- Redirect
- I-Messages Plus
- Students know they have your attention when you use those structures.
What are 2 Cooperative Learning Structures for Avoiding Failure Students? Why?
- Numbered Heads Together
- Team Pair Solo
*Because they promote peer tutoring and support by making them work together at first and finish individually, which helps them understand more the task.
What are 3 Preventative Procudres for Avoiding Failure Students?
- Avoid Putting Students “On the Spot”.
- Class and Team Discussion.
- Focus on the Student’s Strengths.
What are 2 Moment-of-Disruption Structures for Avoiding Failure Students? Why?
- Restructure the Task
- Schedule a Follow-Up
*You let the student know you want them to succeed by using those strategies.
What are 2 Cooperative Learning Structures for Energetic Students? Why?
- Inside-Outside Circle
- Stir-the-Class
*Because these structures make the students move and spend some energy.
What are 3 Preventative Procedures for Energetic Students?
- Bite-Sized Instructions (Channeling Energy)
- Sponge (Channeling Energy)
- Energizers (Energy Releases)
What are 2 Moment-of-Disruption Structures for Energetic Students? Why?
- Right Now Validation
- Cues: Verbal and Non-Verbal
*Because these structures let the student know the teacher understands, but the teacher redirects the student right now.