Preventative Health Flashcards
Immunisations at 2+4months
Diptheria, tetanus, pertussis, Hep B, polio, HIB (Infranrix Hexa)
Rotavirus (rotarix)
Pneumococcal (prev13)
+- Men B (ATSI)
Immunisations at 6mo
Diptheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, Hep B, HIB (Infranrix Hexa)
+- prev13 + Men B for ATSI + high risk
Immunisations at 12mo
Meningococcal ACWY (single dose)
Prev 13
Immunisatons at 18mo
Haemophilus influenza B (Hib)
MMR-V - Priorix-Tetra or ProQuad
Dip/Tet/Pertussis - tripacel
Immunisations at 4yo
Diptheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio - Infanrix IPV/Quadracel
Immunisations at 12-13yo (~yr 7)
HPV - Gardasil
Diptheria, tetanus, pertussis - Boostrix
Immunisations at 14-16yo (~yr10)
Meninococcal ACWY
General population Breast screening reccomendations
2 yearly mammogram from 50-74
Red flags for breast cancer screening + recommendation
Red flags:
- number of relatives: 2+
- degree of relative: 1st
- Age at Dx: <50
Only 1 RF = average risk
2 RF = mod risk
Pt asking about breast screening. Mother with breast cancer at 45
-> Offer Annual mammograms from 40 for 1st deg <50
Rest of moderate risk (2 red flags) can have 2 yearly + consider referral to family cancer clinic
General population bowel screening advice (2)
- 2 yearly FOBT from 45 - 74
- Atleast 2.5yrs of low dose aspirin from 45-70
Risk factors to consider in bowel screening + categories
First deg relative <60 = 4*
First deg relative >60 = 3*
2nd def relative = 1*
Cat 1 - up to 3*
Cat 2 - 4-7*
Cat 3 - 8+*
Bowel screening for different categories
Cat 1 - general 2yrly FOBT 45-74
Cat 2 - 5yrly cscope from 50, or 10yrs prior to earliest relative diagnosis (whichever earlier)
2x vaccines that warrant allergist review prior to giving in history of egg allergy
Yellow fever + Q fever
- if anaphylaxis to eggs - split dosing under medical supervision
- if non anaphylaxis - normal single dose under medical supervision
-> Rest are safe
Main risk factor to remember in colorectal cancer (1)
1st degree <60 = cat2/higher risk=scopes