Pretransfusion procedures Flashcards
proper labeling of of blood from recipients
- labeled at bedside with 2 unique identifiers
- date and time of collection
- identity of phlebotomist
- paperwork and blood specimen must match
- in case of discrepancy or doubt, a new specimen must be obtained
If recipient has been pregnant or transfused within 3 months or if history is uncertain, what testing must be done?
What should be done in the absence of the above conditions?
- sample for pretransfusion testing must be obtained within 3 days of transfusion (day 0 is the date of sample collection) in recently pregnant/transfused patient
- In the absence of pregnancy or recent transfusion, ABO samples older than 3 days may be used
- ABO testing, Rh testing, and antibody screening must be performed and no discrepancies or alloantibodies must be detected to use this sample for crossmatching prior to elective surgery
- do not need to test for weak D
- anti A reagent is blue
- anti B reagent is yellow
- The recipient pretransfusion blood sample as well as the tube segment from any transfused blood must be retained for 7 days after transfusion
Visual inspection of donor unit
- bacterial contamination may appear as purple color, zone of hemolysis, or with clots
- lipemic units should not be used
Causes of forward/reverse typing discrepancies
- extremes of age
- acquired immunodeficiency affecting Ig production (hematolymphoid neoplasms and immunosuppressive agents)
Antibody screen
- done on recipient blood
- uses 2-4 reagent O test cells that have differential expression of antigens
- required that 18 clinically significant antigens are represented
- patient plasma/serum is added to the test cells followed by
- immediate spin
- 37 degree incubation
- addition of anti human globulin (AHG)
- room temperature incubation is omitted by many labs since it detects clinically insignificant alloantibodies mostly (anti M, N, Lewis, I, and P)
- tests may be performed with LISS or PEG
- if no reactions occur, cross match can proceed
- if any cells react in screen, then antibody panel is required
antibody panel
- 10-14 different donor test cells, all group O
- autocontrol run in parallel (recipient serum/plasma added to recipient red cells)
- Immediate spin or computer crossmatch
Computer crossmatch is ok in patients with negative antibody screen
- computer system must be validated
- 2 separate determinations of recipient’s ABO/Rh required
The IS crossmatch
- performed at room temperature
- recipient serum/plasma mixed with donor RBCs followed by centrifugation
- If known clinically sig alloAb present, then complete or full crossmatch with AHG phase testing is required
- if cold reacting antibodies are present, the crossmatch may be prewarmed to prevent interference
Infant blood up to 4 months old need not be crossmatached if no maternal antibodies are detected
- the ABO/Rh is determined as for adult recipients, but must only be done once and may be omitted for the remainder of the hospitalization unless lasting beyond 4 months of age or infant leaves and is readmitted
- If alloantibody is present, the crossmatch must be carried through the antiglobulin phase
Compatibility of granulocytes
Must be ABO compatible with recipient serum and must be subjected to crossmatch
Compatibility of RBCs
Whole blood must be ABO identical
- If recipient is < 4 months old
- first choice is O with matching Rh
- second choice is O with opposite Rh
- third choice is identical to patient’s blood type
- all RBCs are CMV negative and irradiated
Compatibility of platelets and cryo
- Contain plasma
- May be transfused outside of ABO compatibility unless unit is visibly bloody
- preferably, plasma in these products is compatible with recipient red cells
- preferable that Rh- recipient receive Rh- platelets
- if giving Rh+ is unavoidable, Rh immune globulin should be suggested
- first choice is identical to patient type
- second choice is identical ABO and opposite Rh group
- Third choice is AB for A or B type patient or AB, A, or B for O type patient
Plasma compatibility
- Must be compatible with recipient’s RBCs
- If recipient < 4 months of age:
- first choice is AB
- second choice is A or B or O
- Rh should match the patient
Platelet compatibility for < 4 month old
- First choice = AB and matching Rh
- Second choice = match patient’s blood type
- All platelets CMV negative and irradiated
Blood transfusion set
- 170 um filter
- “microaggregate” 40 um filters are not required
- same filter can be reused for multiple transfusions for up to 4 hours
- these filters are not capable of leukoreduction
- if a leukocyte reduction filter is used, the inline filter may be omitted
- neonatal tranfusions may be filtered by the blood bank staff prior to release
- other fluids should not be run in the same line as the unit
- only normal saline and other FDA approved crystalloids can be run in the same line
- lactated ringers may cause blood clotting
- dextrose and hypotonic solutions (0.45%) saline may cause hemolysis
Timing of transfusion and monitoring
- Transfusion must be started within 30 minutes of issue and must be completed within 4 hours
- if 2 units are released simultaneously then both must be infused within 4 hours
- Monitoring
- baseline set of vitals should be recorded
- observe patient for first 15 minutes
- slow rate of infusion (2 ml/minute) is good at the beginning
- a second set of vitals at 15 minutes
- final set of vitals at end of transfusion
- recipient should be observed periodically throughout transfusion and for an appropriate length of time thereafter
- unless there are difficulties, most single unit red cell transfusions can be completed within 90 minutes (and must be completed within 4 hours)
In an antibody panel the 10-14 cells must express what antigens?
- D
- C
- E
- c
- e
- M
- N
- S
- s
- Pl
- Lea
- Leb
- K
- k
- Fya
- Fyb
- Jka
- Jkb
Phases of antibody panel testing
- immediate spin phase
- antibodies only reacting at this phase are “cold reacting”
- usually IgM and are likely to be clinically insignificant; may be significant if high titer present (>1,000)
- Serum/plasma mixed with RBCs and centrifuged at 37 degrees
- “warm reacting” antibodies detected
- usually IgG and potentially clinically significant
- Serum/plasma mixed with RBCs in the presence of AHG in the AHG phase (indirect agglutination test - IAT)
- IgG
- likely to be clinically significant
Positive reactions on antibody panel
- agglutination is characterized by red cell clumps
- graded m+ to 4+
- hemolysis shows as a pink supernatant
Dosage effect seen with which antigens
- Kidd
- Duffy
- Rh
Alloantibodies that are nearly always insignificant
- Lewis
- Lutheran
- I
Alloantibodies that are nearly always significant
- Kell
- Kidd
- Rh
- Duffy
Number of cells required to establish presence of a specific antibody in clinical practice
- 3 positive cells with reactivity
- 1 negative cell with nonreactivity
Direct antiglobulin test
- Polyspecific
- polyspecific reagent agglutinates RBC coated with IgG or C3
- Anti IgG AHG
- agglutinates red cells with bound IgG on their surface
- autoantibody bound in vivo to the patient’s red cells
- alloantibody to transfused red cells (usually mixed field)
- maternal antibody bound to neonatal red cells
- medications
- agglutinates red cells with bound IgG on their surface
- Anti C3
- agglutinates red cells with bound C3 on their surface
- could be positive along with IgG or an IgM
- agglutinates red cells with bound C3 on their surface
Antibodies to high incidence antigens or hight titer, low avidity (HTLA) antibodies
- Suspected when there is weak reactivity in AHG phase to all cells in the panel
- Continue to react at high dilutions (>1:64)
- they can mask other antibodies
- Clinically significant HTLA antibodies:
- cartwright (Yta)
- Holley (Hy)
- Gregory (Gy)
- HTLA antibodies that are not significant
- Chido/Rodgers (Ch/Rg)
- Sda
- Csa
- Kna
- York (Yka)
Antibodies to test reagents
- autocontrol is negative and there is across the board reactivity
- test cells can be washed to remove these substances
- occurs most frequently with gel and solid phase systems
- in the tube method, the panreactivity may disappear
- when lot numbers of reagent are used, may also disappear
- in the tube method, the panreactivity may disappear
Antibodies to low incidence antigens
- Wra and Kpa
- suspected when 1 test cell is reactive within a panel
- typically these antigens are not indicated on the panel, but the package insert for the test cells delineates a longer list of antigens for which the cell is positive
- what is it caused by?
- consequences?
- adult plasma contains naturally occuring IgM antibodies to T, Tn, Tk, and Cad
- these are normally cryptic antigens that are expressed only when bacterial neuraminidase enzymatically alter red cell antigens (T activation)
- In adults this phenomenon is mainly a factor in pretransfusion testing
- In babies this phenomenon is significant in 2 instances:
- necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC)
- T activation occurs in up to 25%
- caused by Clostridia neuramindase
- Atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome
- neuraminidase of S pneumoniae
- necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC)
- Babies with T activation can develop intravascular hemolysis when transfused
- such babies should receive RBCs with minimal plasma or washed RBCs to minimize the amount of naturally occurring anti T antibodies made in the adult blood
- The effects of this are transient and abate following resolution of infection
Polyagglutination testing
- lectin Arachis hypogaea can detect T activation
- polyagglutinable red cells are agglutinated by adult but not cord serum
- removal of antibody bound to red cells
- several tenchniques
- freeze thaw
- heat
- acid
- digitonin
- the eluate, which contains the Ab, can then be tested against a panel of RBCs to determine its specificity
- useful when there are autoantibodies potentialy masking alloantibodies
- autoantibody is adsorbed using the patient’s own red cells that have been pretreated with ZZAP to remove bound autoantibody
- the adsorbed plasma/serum is left with any alloantibodies that were present and can then be tested against a panel of red cells
- autoadsorption cannot be used if
- the patient has been transfused or pregnant in the past 3 months because they may have leftover donor or fetal cells present
this can be used to remove antibodies from serum in patients who have been transfused or pregnant within 3 months
Hemagglutination inhibition (neutralizing substances)
- HI is the use of a substance that is known to contain or mimic a particular antigen to neutralize an antibody
- alternatively, neutralization can assist in detecting additional antibodies that may be masked
- HI also used to determine secretor status (by detecting H substance in saliva)
Hemagglutination (lectins)
- lectins are reagents derived from plants that will bind to specific antigens on red cels and agglutinate them (causing agglutination)
- 2 lectins that are commonly used to resolve ABO discrepancies include
- Ulex europaeus to detect the H antigen (agglutinates group O RBCs); useful in determination of secretor status
- Dolichos biflorus to detect A1 antigen
- Other lectins
- Bandeiraea simplicifolia detects B antigen
- Lotus tetragonolobus detects H antigen
- Arachis hypogaea detects T antigen
- Vicea graminea detects N antigen
Neutralizing substances below are associated with what antigens?
- Guinea pig urine
- Hydatid cyst fluid
- Saliva
- Breast milk
- Pigeon eggs
- Plasma
- Guinea pig urine - Sda
- Hydatid cyst fluid - P1
- Saliva - H, Lea
- Breast milk - I
- Pigeon eggs - P1
- Plasma - Chido, Rodgers
List enzymes that either enhance or decrease activity
Antigens that are enhanced by enzymes?
Antigens that are decreased by enzymes?
Unaffected by enzymes?
- Enzymes
- ficin
- papain
- trypsin
- Enhanced by enzymes:
- AB
- Le
- I/i
- P
- Rh
- Kidd
- Decreased by enzymes:
- MNSs
- Fya
- Fyb
- Lutheran
- Chido
- Rodgers
- Yt<span>a</span>
- Unaffected by enzymes: kell
Likelihood of finding compatible blood
= 100 - antigen frequency
frequency of Jsa
0.1% in whites
20% in blacks
Causes for apparent Anti D antibody
- warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia is most commonly anti-Rh
- LW antigen is expressed more strongly in D+ cells, so the antibody may actually be to LW, not D, simulating anti-D Ab because they appear to only react with D+ cells
- partial D patients lack epitopes of the D antigen and so develop antibodies after exposure to D
B(A) phenotype
- some blood type B people have very high levels of glycosyltransferase, which produces a small amout of A antigen that reacts weakly
- the beta glycosyltransferase has an increased ability to use UDP-N-acetyl galactosamine and UDP-galactose that causes production of A antigen
- (A has N-acteyl galactosamine as its additional sugar and B has galactose)
acquired B phenotype
- occurs in A1 individuals
- bacterial deacetylase acts on the A antigen (N-acetyl-galactosamine) turning it into the B antigen (galactose)
- thus, this is seen in persistent bacteremia (e.g., gram negative sepsis, colon cancer, colonic obstruction)
- there is anti B in the serum, which can result in positive DAT
- to confirm presence of acquired B
- type cells with another manufacturer’s anti-B
- reacetylate A1 in vitro with acetic anhydride, which will not be agglutinated by patient’s anti B
- if patient is a secretor, B antigen will not be present in saliva
anti A1 antibodies present in which phenotype
- 1-8% of A2 individuals have anti-A1 antibodies
- 22-35% of A2B individuals have anti-A1 antibodies
- the anti-A1 is usually IgM that reacts at room temperature or below
- compatible blood can be found with a prewarmed crossmatch
- any anti A1 reactive at 37 degrees are clinically significant and patients should receive O or A2 compatible blood
Bombay phenotype
these patients have anti-H so they react with all group O screening cells
- all cells in panel and autocontrol positive at AHG only
- all cells in panel except autocontrol positive at AHG only, weak
- all cells in panel and autocontrol positive at IS only
- all cells in panel and autocontrol positive at IS and 37 degrees, not at AHG
- antibody screen negative, but transfusion records show previous alloantibody
- warm autoantibody (can be removed with adsorption)
- HTLA antibody (e.g., Chido, Rodgers)
- cold autoantibody
- usually these are IgM, so they are not reactive at AHG (IAT) phase
- if antibody has broad thermal amplitude it can be positive at 37 degrees
- describes the way an antibody to enhancement media or other reagents, such as LISS or PEG, gel or solid phase media react
- reduced titer of alloantibody, but is still clinically significant
ABO typing in patients with
- hematolymphoid neoplasms
- gastric adenocarcinoma
- often weakened expression of A or B antigens with mixed field agglutination in HL neoplasm
- gastric adenocarcinoma: excess free A or B antigens in serum may bind anti A or anti B in vitro, thus neutralizing them and giving a false impression that the patient has type O red cells
When to suspect autoantibodies?
- when there is a positive DAT
- anemia with reticulocytosis or microspherocytosis
- a DAT will confirm or exclude autoimmune hemolysis
- positive autocontrol in the antibody panel
- a DAT will ensure that the reaction is immune mediated
- DAT reactive with anti IgG only or with both anti IgG and anti C3
- DAT reactive with C3 only
- Positive DAT on cord blood
- what should be done with positive DAT?
- caused by warm autoantibody (IgG)
- caused by cold autoantibody (IgM)
- maternal alloantibody to RhIg
- elution should be performed on positive IgG DAT
Antithymocyte globulin
can cause positive DAT (autoimmune)
Benign cold agglutinins
- react most strongly at 4 degrees, but can react up to 22 degrees
- Most are IgM and can activate complement in vitro
- reactions may be seen at AHG phase using polyspecific antisera
- cells agglutinate with anti C3d, but not anti IgG
- Antibody specificty is most commonly anti I
- I is strongly expressed on adult red cells but weakly on cord red cells
- less common anti i reacts with cord blood but not with adult blood
- anti H reacts best with group O and A1 cells
- not to be confused with anti H in Bombay, that latter causes severe hemolysis
Pathologic cold agglutinins
- reactive over broad range, up to 32-37 degrees
- cause spontaneous agglutination in anticoagulated blood at room temp
- titer > 1000 at 4 degrees
- Types
idiopathic cold autoimmune hemolytic anemia (CAIHA) or cold agglutinin syndrome
- chronic condition in older people with acrocyanosis and Raynaud phenomenon
- moderate intravascular hemolytic anemia
- almost always IgM with anti I or anti i specificity, monoclonal
secondary CAIHA
- transient cold agglutinin, IgM anti I seen in M pneumonia infection
- resolves within 2-3 weeks
- more persistent anti I may be seen in lymphoproliferative disorder
- EBV can cause IgM anti i
idiopathic cold autoimmune hemolytic anemia (CAIHA) or cold agglutinin syndrome
Mixed type autoantibodies
- cold reacting IgM and warm reacting IgG autoantibodies
- no particular antigen specificity
- present with acute hemolytic anemia (idiopathic or with lupus)
Paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria
- presents in what patients?
- presenting symptoms
- treatment
- caused by what antibody
- lab findings
- least common type of AIHA
- most commonly presents in children with bacterial infections (otitis media) or viral infection (URI, measles, mumps, chickenpox, mono)
- originally described in patients with congenital or tertiary syphilis
- presents with paroxysmal episodes of hemoglobinuria provoked by cold exposure, sudden fever, chills, abdominal and back pain, jaundice (hgb < 5)
- treatment = keep patient warm and transfuse as necessary
- Caused by IgG biphasic hemolysin with anti P specificity (Donath-Landsteiner antibody)
- in vitro hemolysis only when incubated at 2 different temperatures
- DAT positive with polyspecific AHG, negative with anti IgG, and positive with C3
- confirm diagnosis with Donath-Landsteiner (DL test)
direct DL test performed on adults with 2 vials of blood at 4 and 37 degrees
- positive test if only incubation of patient’s red cells at 4 degrees then 37 degrees leads to hemolysis
- indirect DL test uses patient plasma with reagent red cells
direct DL test performed on adults with 2 vials of blood at 4 and 37 degrees
How to find masked alloantibodies when cold autoantibody is present
- keep blood at 37 deegres and perform all tests at that temperature
- use monospecific IgG AHG reagent
- consider cold autoantibody adsorption with autologous red cells
Mechanisms of drug induced positive DAT
drug adsorption (hapten) mechanism
- noncovalent coating of RBCs
- penicillin
- extravascular hemolysis
- dose dependent
drug dependent antibody mechanism
- drug absorbed to red cell membrane and becomes coated with Ab that activates complement
- intravascular hemolysis, renal failure
- takes small dose to initiate, but upon reexposure brisk hemolysis occurs
- piperacillin and cephalosporins
- lab confirmation with positive DAT with C3 and possibly IgG
autoimmune induction mechanism
- drug induces red cell autoimmunity that persists after withdrawal of drug
- methyldopa, levodopa, procainamide, fludarabine, 2nd and 3rd gen cephalosporins
- drug stimulates formation of autoantibody directed against innate component red cell membrane
- in the lab it is indistinguishable from those that cause idiopathic warm autoimmune HA
nonimmune protein adsorption mechanism
- drug induced nonspecific, nonimmune, binding of Ig to red cell surface
- cephalothin
- meds cause nonspecific adsorption of albumin, IgG, IgA, IgM, and complement to RBC
- no antibody production
- antibody screens and DATs positive, but eluates are negative even when drug coated RBCs are used