Pretest_6_Endocrine Problems and the Breast Flashcards
What are the constellation of findings seen in adrenal insufficiency?
skin pigmentation, weakness, weight loss, hypotension, hyponatremia, hyPERkalemia, hypoglycemia, abdominal pain
How can insidious, post-operative adrenal insuffiency occur?
hemorrhage into the gland (as in patients on anticoagulants)
An isolated focus of increased uptake on a thyroid scan is virtually diagnostic of
hyperfunctioning adenoma
T/F: Previous radiation therapy to the breast is a contraindication to breast conservation therapy.
T/F: There are similar outcomes between patients receiving modified radical mastectomy and lumpectomy/axillary node dissection followed by radiation for STAGES 1 AND 2.
What is the treatment for inflammatory breast cancer?
chemo, radiation, and surgery! only 50% survival at 5 years
What is the treatment for asymptomatic prolactinoma? Symptomatic?
asymptomatic = observation! symptomatic = dopamine agonist (usually causes tumor shrinkage); surgery for when medical tx doesn't work
Sestanibi scans are used to diagnose
parathyroid adenomas (also taken up by the thyroid apparently)
_______ may be useful in the treatment of patients with unresectable glucagonomas.
Octreotide to control hyperglycemia
All functioning adrenal adenomas should be resected, while nonfunctioning should be if the lesion is greater than __ cm. __% of adenomas are bilateral.
> 6 cm
10-15% of adrenal adenomas are bilateral
Radiation induced thyroid cancer is usually which type?
FNA of thyroid mass showing calcified lumps of sloughed cells =
papillary cancer
Lobular carcinoma in situ is a risk factor for which invasive breast carcinoma, especially?
ductal carcinoma. The risk is equivalent in BOTH BREASTS and lasts indefinitely!
These breast tumors have a characteristic “fish flesh” texture:
Thiazide diuretcs promote (retention/secretion) of calcium.
Phenoxybenzamine (alpha-blockade) should be started in patients with pheochromocytomas ______ weeks before surgery.
1-3 weeks
T/F: Chemotherapy for breast cancer in a pregnant patient does not increase the risk of congenital malformations if given in the second and third trimesters.
Paget’s disease of the breast originates in which part of the breast?
retroareolar lactiferous ducts
A paradoxical rise in serum gastrin after IV secretin is diagnostic of
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (secretin inhibits gastrin release from normal stomach)
In preparation for thyroidectomy, what should be done preoperatively to decrease the likelihood of thyroid storm?
Drops of Lugol iodide solution daily beginning 10 days preoperatively. PTU or methimazole can also be used preoperatively but are contraindicated in pregnant women.
What is the name of the disease characterized by severe demineralization with subperiosteal bone resorption (most prominent in the middle phalanx of the second and third fingers), bone cysts, and tufting of the distal phalanges on hand films?
What conditions is it associated with?
osteitis fibrosis cystica. Associated with hyperparthyroidism and Vit D deficiency (hyper vs hypocalcemia)
What is administered in the treatment of thyroid storm?
Beta blockers, antithyroid meds (PTU), rapid fluid replacement, iodine solutions (Lugol iodine, to decrease iodine uptake), steroids (blocks hepatic thyroid hormone conversion)
What labs do you use to diagnose hyperaldosteronism?
plasma aldosterone concentration and plasma renin activity. PAC:PAR of 25-30:1 is suggestive
What is the treatment of cystosarcoma phyllodes?
simple excision with adequate margins
Most insulinomas are (single/multiple).
Single! But if in the context of MEN-1, more likely to be multiple
Though not a definitive treatment, which antibiotic can control symptoms from unresectable malignant tumors of pancreatic islet cells (insulinoma)?
Carcinoid tumors are most commonly found where?
appendix and small bowel
What is the generally acceptd treatment for stage 1 breast cancer in PREmenopausal women?
lumpectomy with axillary LN dissection (sentinel LN bix) and radiation therapy
T/F: Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) is a precancerous lesion.
FALSE. However, it does increase the risk of subsequent canceri n BOTH breasts (so no point of excising it). No need for prophylactic mastectomy.
What are the four subtypes of DCIS and which has the greatest tendency to recur after wide excision alone?
papillary, cribriform, solid, comedo
What is an indication for radical mastectomy (seldom done!)?
Locally advanced breast cancer with wide invasion of the pectoralis major in a patient who is able to tolerate general anesthesia
T/F: In a patient with a history of neck radiation, it is appropriate to proceed directly to thyroidectomy.
The most common thyroid cancer following radiation is
A thyroid cyst should be aspirated unless it recurs several times or is larger than __ cm, in which case it should be removed to eliminate the risk of malignancy.
4 cm
If a nodule is (hot/cold) on radioactive iodine scans, it is more likely to be malignant thyroid cancer.
Hot nodules are benign 97% of the time
Psamomma bodies are a marker for what kind of thyroid cancer?