Preterm and small babies Flashcards
What is a preterm baby?
Calculate gestational age from the last menstrual period is <37 completed weeks
Extreme preterm before 28 weeks
Very preterm 28-32 weeks
Moderate to late preterm 32-37 weeks
What does low birth weight mean?
Birth weight of <2500g (2.5kg) regardless of gestational age.
Thus a LBW baby may not be small for gestational age if they are born preterm.
What is very low birth weight?
Birth eight of <1500g regardless of gestational age
What is extremely low birth weight?
Birth weight <1000g regardless of gestational age
What is small for gestational age?
Birth weight below the 10th percentile for gestational age
What is intrauterine growth restriction?
Failure of growth in utero which may or may no result in baby being small for gestational age
What are the types of small for gestational age?
Symmetrical (proportional)
Asymmetric (disproportional
What is symmetric small for gestational age? What does this suggest?
When is this seen?
All growth parameters are symmetrically small, suggesting the foetus was affected from early pregnancy
Seen in babies with chromosomal abnormalities and the constitutionally small
What is asymmetric small for gestational age? What is this due to?
Weight centile is < length and head circumference
Usually due to IUGR and an insult later in pregnancy e.g. pre-eclampsia
What are risk factors for prematurity?
Poverty Constitutional factors Malformation twins Congential infection Placental insufficiency (Maternal heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, sickle-cell, smoking, pre-eclampsia
What are causes of prematurity
Smoking tobacco
Past hx of prematurity Pre-eclampsia DM, Polyhydramnios Multiple pregancny Premature rupture of membranes Abruption Placenta praaevia
What is the management for premature baby?
Delivery in centre for preterm babies Adequate resuscitation Plan supplemental breast milk or low-birth-weight formula if < 2kg Monitor and maintain blood glucose Encourage mother to express breast milk Tube feeds if oral feeds not tolerated Support parents
What investigations might be needed in a premature infant?
Blood gas - to assess respiratory/metabolic state
FBC - risk of infection, thrombocytopenia, anaemia
Blood culture
CRP for infection
Direct Coomb’s test/direct antiglobulin test
Blood group