Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto Flashcards
When should you use Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto?
The Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto, or Past Perfect (Pluperfect) in English, is a past compound tense used in Spanish to talk about actions that had happened at a point in the past before another past action took place. This tense is formed with the imperfect tense of the auxiliary verb “haber” plus the past participle of the main verb. It’s used in several contexts:
Actions that Occurred Before Another Action in the Past: To indicate an action that had been completed before another took place.
Example: “Cuando llegué a la estación, el tren ya había salido” (When I arrived at the station, the train had already left).
Conditions or Hypotheticals in the Past: In conditional sentences, it’s used to express what could have happened if something else had taken place.
Example: “Si hubieras llamado, te habría recogido” (If you had called, I would have picked you up).
Expressions of Regret or Hindsight: To express regret or to reflect on how things could have been different in the past.
Example: “Habría venido al concierto, pero estaba enfermo” (I would have come to the concert, but I was sick).
Narration or Storytelling: When telling stories or recounting events, it can provide background information about circumstances or actions that had already happened up to the point of the narrative.
Example: “Habíamos vivido allí durante cinco años cuando ocurrió el incidente” (We had lived there for five years when the incident occurred).
In summary, the Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto is used to speak about a past event that is more “past” than another past event, often to give context or explain circumstances that had already happened.
When should you use Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto from my Spanish Notes
1) Se usa para expresar que una accion es anterrior a otra an el pasado
2) Expresar que es la primera vez que realizames una accion
3) Expresar que une accion es inmediantemente posterior a otra en el pasado (only things that happened very quickly, one after the after the other)
4) Expresar experiencias realizades en el pasado y expresar experiancias no realizadas en el pasado
- Ya
- Todavia
You need to draw a line in the sand, events that happened before that time you use “Ya + Pluscuamperfecto”, for event that happened after that date you use “Todavia + Pluscuamperfecto”, i.e. we are in 2024, if you say the year in 2020, then you could say something before this date, you would use Ya, and then for things that happened after this date you use Todavia.
Futuro Perfecto is used for the verb “Hacer”, what is the auxillary verb used for conjugation?
Yo - Había
Tú - Habías
Él/Ella/Usted - Había
Nosotros/Nosotras - Habíamos
Vosotros/Vosotras - Habíais
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes - Habían
For regular verbs using the Preterito Perfecto, how do you conjugate them?
ar = ado (caminar = caminado)
er = ido (comer = comido)
ir = ido (vivir = vivido)
How do you structure reflexive verbs in Preterito Perfecto?
Example: Despertarse
Me, Tu, Se, Nos, Os, Se + Hacer + Verb in Participio
Se Había Despertado
to be (irregular in Preterito Perfecto)
Ser (Sido)
to have (irregular in Preterito Perfecto)
Haber (Habido)
to do (irregular in Preterito Perfecto)
Hacer (Hecho)
to say (irregular in Preterito Perfecto)
Decir (Dicho)
to put (irregular in Preterito Perfecto)
Poner (Puesto)
to take (irregular in Preterito Perfecto)
Tomar (Tomado)
to go (irregular in Preterito Perfecto)
Ir (Ido)
to come (irregular in Preterito Perfecto)
Venir (Venido)
to see (irregular in Preterito Perfecto)
Ver (Visto)
to write (irregular in Preterito Perfecto)
Escribir (Escrito)
to open (irregular in Preterito Perfecto)
Abrir (Abierto)
to break (irregular in Preterito Perfecto)
Romper (Roto)
to say/tell (irregular in Preterito Perfecto)
Decir (Dicho)
to cover (irregular in Preterito Perfecto)
Cubrir (Cubierto)
to discover (irregular in Preterito Perfecto)
Descubrir (Descubierto)
to resolve (irregular in Preterito Perfecto)
Resolver (Resuelto)
to return (irregular in Preterito Perfecto)
Volver (Vuelto)
to die (irregular in Preterito Perfecto)
Morir (Muerto)
to break (irregular in Preterito Perfecto)
Romper (Roto)
to return (irregular in Preterito Perfecto)
Regresar (Regresado)
to cover (irregular in Preterito Perfecto)
Cubrir (Cubierto)
to go back (irregular in Preterito Perfecto)
Volver (Vuelto)
to die (irregular in Preterito Perfecto)
Morir (Muerto)
to fry (irregular in Preterito Perfecto)
Freír (Frito)
to print (irregular in Preterito Perfecto)
Imprimir (Impreso)