Pressure Ulcers Flashcards
Localized Area of tissue necrosis that develops when soft tissue is compressed between a firm surface and underlying bony prominence is known as
Pressure ulcer (or any wound caused by unrelieved pressure or a combination or pressure and shear forces)
What types of patient possess the greatest risk?
- Hospitalized pts.
- patients in Long term care facilities
T/F as pressure is increased, the duration required for formation of a pressure ulcer decreases.
T (pressure and time have an inverse relationship)
What areas possess the greatest risk for developing a pressure ulcer?
Over bony prominences (note that muscle is more sensititive than skin)
What is defined as localized area of blanchable erythema?
Reactive Hyperemia
List the Risk Factors of Pressure Ulcer Formation?
- Shear Forces
- Malnutrition
- Excessive Moisture
- Impaired Mobility
- Impaired Sensation
- Adavanced Age
- History of Pressure Ulcer
What is the number 1 cause for pressure ulcer Formation?
- Immobility
Define Shear force
force that is parallel to soft tissue
What nutritional fact is correlated with severity and development of pressure ulcer?
low serum albulim (hypoalbuminemia causes interstitial edema and signals that the body lacks the protein stores necessary for building and repairing tissues)
**ALSO considered the 2nd most common risk factor.
What populations would be at risk to developing impaired sensation?
-SCI, spina bifida, stroke, DM, full-thickness burn, peripheral neuropathy.
50% of patients who are ____years old possess a greater risk due to their advanced age
70 years old. Age related changes include changes in the Dermis and Epidermis, decrease collagen and elastin, decrease tissue strength and stiffness and decrease ability to fight infection
History of Pressure Ulcers: Scar tissue only attains_____% of strength of original tissue
Braden Scale List the Range of Score Meaning of Scores Reliability of Scores Subscales
Scores Range from 6-23, lower scores indicate GREATER impairment and higher risk
an at risk patient : cut off score: 18 less than 13 high risk 13-14 mod risk 15-18 mild risk High Inter-rater Reliability
Sub Scales:
- Mobility
- Acitivity
- Sensory Perception
- Skin moisture
- Nutritional stat
- Friction and shear
(there is also a braden for peds)
Nortion Risk Assessment List the Range of Score Meaning of Scores Reliability of Scores Subscales
Scale rate 1-4, LOWER scores mean greater risk of PU development
Range: 5-20
Cut off: scores less than 16 considered at risk
Reliability; may overpredict indicidence or pressure ulcers
- Physical condition
- Mental condition
- Acitvitiy
- Mobility
- Incontinence
there is also a Norton plus pressure scale (that deducts points for co-morbidities and for patients on 5 or more medications)
Declining NORTON Scores parrallel a decline in
patient medical status
GOSNELL PRESSURE SORE RISK ASSESSMENT List the Range of Score Meaning of Scores Reliability of Scores Subscales
Sub Scales
- Mental Status
- continence
- Mobility
- Acitivity
- Nutirition
Range 5-20, 16 cut off score. HIGHER SCORES indicate greater risk.
Least Research done on this tool
NPUAP Pressure Ulcer Classification
Stage 1
Non Blanchable erythema of intact skin
May be superificial or first sign of deeper tissue involvement
May INDICATE person is at risk for pressure ulcer
NPUAP Pressure Ulcer Classification
Stage 2
Superficial ulcer that presents as shallow crater
Partial-thickness ulcer involving the epidermis, dermis or both
NPUAP Pressure Ulcer Classification
Stage 3
Deep ulcer that presents as deep crater, may have undermining or tunneling.
Full thickness skin loss involving epidermis, dermins, and subcutaneous tissue. Bone and tendon are not visible or palpabable
NPUAP Pressure Ulcer Classification
Stage 4
Deep ulcer with extensive necrosis, often has undermining or sinus tracts
Full-thickness skin loss involving the epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous tissue, fascia and underlying structures sucha as muscle, tendon bone..capsule
NPUAP Pressure Ulcer Classification
A pressure ulcer should be described as unstageable if the base is obsured or identifiable by eschar or slough.
Full-thickness will be in the category of 3 or 4
NPUAP Pressure Ulcer Classification
Suspected Deep Tissue
Blood filled blister (tissue involvement is unknown)
local area looks purple or maroon, painful mushy or boggy area
Stage 3-4 ulcers do not______
HEAL! they will close but the tissue damage is done. WIll not have the same integrity as prior to damage. Max 80% normal tissue strength after closing
List 3 Benefits of NPUAP/EPUAP
- Promotes uniform understanding of depth of involved tissue
- Clinicians must stage PUs for Medicare Reimbursment
- Can be used for research
List 2 Limitations of NPUAP/EPUAP
- Stage 1 PU is not an ulcer by definition
2. Clinicans may erroneously reverse stage to imply progression, but can’t do that
5 PT in Pressure Ulcers
Just note that Stage 1 PU may be tender not painful
and patient with Neuro deficits may not perceive pain
5 PT in Pressure Ulcers
Sacrum, greater troch, ishcial tub, posterior cal, lateral mal.
majority lower half of body and over bony prominences
5 PT in Pressure Ulcers
patients with full-thickness pressure ulcers are more likely to have multiple ulcers
5 PT in Pressure Ulcers
RIng of Inflammation around ulcer
5 PT in Pressure Ulcers
Normal (n/a)
5 PT in Pressure Ulcers
Increased in areas of reactive hyperemia
Decreased in areas of Ischemia
Sessing Scale List the Use Range of Score Meaning of Scores Reliability of Scores
- 7 point obesrvational scale describing wound and periwound
- range 0-6
- Used in clinic and Research
- HiGHER SCORES represent more sever pressure ulcer status.
How does a clinican assess change over time using the sessing scale?
reassessment score is subtracted from initial score. A positive value indicates improvement
Bates-Jensen Wound Assessment Tool (BWAT) List the Use Range of Score Meaning of Scores Reliability of Scores
Describes Wound and Periwound characterisitics
13 items
rated 1-5
RANGE: 13-65
Higher scores means increased severity
Reliable and valid tool
10 minutes
Pressure Ulcer Scale for Healing (PUSH) List the Use Range of Score Meaning of Scores Reliability of Scores
**Requires less than 5 minutes to complete
Total score from 8-34
HIGHER score means increased serverity
Prognosis for pressure ulcers (remember very slow healing)
- Category 1:
- Category 2:
3: Category 3/4:
- 1-3 weeks
- days to weeks
- average of 8-13 weeks, can take months
Full thickness are more likely to be______and if a patient has a better baseline they have a _____healing rate.
infected, faster
PT interventions:
Name 2 main interventions
70-90% of PT interventions can be maanged conservatively.
1. Dietary consult
2. Positioning
List 3 Precuations of PU
- Pressure ulcer depth can be decpetive
- Probe regularly
- Ensure wound care goals and interventions are consitent with POC (clincian must acknowledge that not all pressure ulcers can be healed and that wound closure may not be consistenc with overall POC, like for terminal patient)
List 4 guidelines for Managing PU
- Control pressure and shear forces, by shifting weight every 2 hours and while lying down. 15 min while sitting
- take care of skin, daily skin checks, wash with mild soap and water temp shouldn’t be very hot
- take care of ulcer, wear bandages as instructed
- Control meds by taking them as prescribe.
All patients should eat a well balanced diet and take supplements as directed. make sure to educate patient and caregiver
What is considered to be “breakdown pressure”
32 mmhg
Pressure reducing devices do not reduce pressure below____
23-33 mmHg
Pressure-relieving devices decrease pressure below____
23 mmHg
Medicare and Medicaid support Surface Classification
Category 1:
Category 2:
Category 3
- Mattresses and mattress overlays
- Speciality mattresses pressure reducing: Foam, low air..alt. air.
- Air fluidized beds