Pressure groups - paper 1 Flashcards
What is a pressure group?
A group of like minded people wo attempt to influence government policey without seeking election to public office.
What are the different types of pressure group?
Insider - regular contact with decision makers and so are able to work ‘inside’ the political system - eg the National Farmers Union
outsider - do not have close ties to the political system, so must influence the government through other means - eg just stop oil/XR
Sectional - represent a particular sub section of society - e.g the BMA
Causal - represents a particular belief or issue - Greenpeace/Ash
What are the different methods used by insider pressure groups?
target various ccess points (the people and places pressure groupd can apply pressure to acheive their desired outcome)
They may be consulted by the executive when forming legisilation - eg The government consulted the CB during the drafting of the Employment Bill
lobbying is also an option - in 2012, British American Tobacco successfuly lobbied 80 MPs to vorte against a bill which would force tobacco products to be kept behind shutter doors
What methods are available to outsider groups?
*Can take government legislation to court - in R v secetary of state for the home department (2014), Liberty intervened, arguing that the Police Act of 1997, which allowed employers of certain industries which work with vulnerable groups to ask for an ‘enhanced criminal record’ violated article 8 of the European Convention of HR (right to privacy).
*Influence the public, which will inturn influence representatives - if a campaign gathers support from the public, than MPs, who are held accountable by the public, are forced to listen. In 2015, the Independent newspaper encourged people to use #refugeeswelcome on social media to show the government the support for the issue.
*direct action - eg XR in 2023, NHS nurses strike in 2023 - forced govt to agree to a 5% pay deal. Direct action can make use of the media to gain free publicity.
What factors determine the success of pressure groups?
Size of membership - a great membership gives the pressure group great legitimacy, which in turn can force the government to act if they will be held accountable at the next election
Financial resources
Attitude of government