Pressure Groups Flashcards
What is Political Pluralism
Political philosophy that emphasises the benefits of many different groups influencing the decision-making process
What is theory of elitism?
Pressure Groups that have more influence because they are better funded. e.g. the NRA
A good eample of an Interest group
The NAACP - funded ‘Brown v Topeka’
An example of PGs using the courts
What is the difference between Social Groups and PGs + give examples
Social movemtns are much less formalised and newer ones revolve around social media so spread quickly to the political agenda- #MeToo, #Blacklivesmatter
Give an example of electoral campaiging
League of Conservation Voters spent $85m in 2018, winning back the House for the Dems
What is a good example of electoral campaign funded by PG
SBA list funded pro-life Dem Dan lipinski and contributed $100k and wnet to 17k houses - Dan only won by 2k votes so PG influence crucial - 2018
How can big PGs like the NRA influence elections
- release votng scorecards - A-F based oon members voting toward guns
- Spent $52.5m on campaiging in 2016
- Focus on Senate races - 96% of budget on 6 senate races + presi campaign in 2020
What is a good example on the limit of PgS?
Super PACs spent $215m on Clinton in 2016 but she still lost - spent half that on Trump
What is a good example that explains the extent of the Iron Triangle
2019, 51 members of Congress owned a combined $5m shares in defence companies
Senator Roy blunt owned $100k in Lockheed martin and his subcommittee awared $1.5b contract to the company in 2020
Example of Insider Contacts
Reps from J.P.Morgan + Goldman Sachs had over 350 meetings with federal agencies in 2010-12 RE the financial crisis
Example of the Revolving Door Syndrome in action
Eugene Scali worked for Bush’s administration before lobbying on behalf of US chamber of commerce and became secretary of labor in 2019
Shows how influencial PGs can be if they have contacts like this
What are the influence of Amicus Curiae Briefs
Number submitted has increased - in 1950s avg SC case received just 1, in 2019-20, a record 16 were submitted - record 148 given to ‘Obergefell v Hodges’
Eilists - more likley to work if written by legal experts so PG access to these depends on funding. e.g ACLU wrote 40% of ACBs in 2019-20
Cna give voice to smaller gorups of society - e.g. Jewish War vets in ‘American Legion v American Humanist Association’ (2019)
Good example of dircet action
Anti-Vietnam protests in 60s+70s
SANE organising 500k protest in NY
Vietnam Vets throwing 800 medals at capitol
What is an example of PGs deliberately using force
1969, weatherman carried out a bombing campaign on political sites
2021 - Jan 6th riots - trying to inleunce electoral resutls
What SC case transformed the extent to which Super PACs can be exploited financially ?
‘Citizens United v Federal Election Commission’ (2010)
financial support seen as free speech so unlimited money allowed as long as it is ‘independent expenditure’
Ppl can donate to Super PACs who can then spend
How much did Super PACs spend on election in 2020
$1.8b by both left + rigth wing groups
3 reasons that Super PACs have too much influence in US
unlimited funding allows bypass of electoral campaign finance restrictions
Tiny majoirty influence - less than 1% of adult pop provided 2/3rd of funding in 2016 e..g . Sheldon Adelson + wife donated over $100m to conservative super PACs in 2020, incl $75m to anti-Biden ‘Preserve America’
Campaigns transformed - donations can transform a campaign, meaning legislators may subsequently vote in interest of financial backers, not the public - Ted Cruz, $300k a yr from NRA
3 reasons Super PACs dont have too much power in US
If USA is truly pluralistic, PG’s must be allowed
PG’s represent a broad range of issues than covered by party platforms - Amicus curiae briefs, Jewish veterans
Money does not = victory;
2016, Super PACs spent nearly $129m mre on Clinton than Trump
Reasons that PGs are too powerful
Well-funded groups are more likely to succeed and afford better lobbyists e.g. ACLU had 40% cited Amicus Curiae briefs because of its lobbyists
Revolving Door Syndrome;
Gives corporations excessive influence over politicians
E.g. Eugene Scali worked for Bush’s administration before lobbying on behalf of US chamber of commerce and became secretary of labor in 2019
Iron Triangles lead to executive and Congress taking decisons that benefit interest groups over people - Lockheed Martin and 51 members having $1.25-3m in defence shares then subcommittee spending $1.5b on defence
The Citizens United case increased role of PG funding in elections, while elitist and unpoopular with public
Can be violent
Reasosn that PGs aren’t too Powerful in US
1st Amendment;
Right to lobby is protected by Constitution
Social Movements can provide a cheap and effective alternative to power of wealthy interest groups - #BlackLiveMatter
PG’s can play an important role in scrutiny - Anti-Vietnam protests, Vietnam Vets organise throwing 800 medals at capitol
PG’s Legal Success;
NAACP funded ‘Brown v Topeka’ (1954)
Direct Action can put important issues on the political agenda; #Metoo led to the arrest of Harvy Weinstein
NRA spending on Trump in 2016 ?
example of pressure group influence on Senator Kyristen Sinema in 2022
Conservative Dem and forced concessions to support the Inflation Reduction Act as seante was tied 50-50
Sinema wanted tax provision removed as she recieves the 3rd most donations in Senate from Finance and Tax companies in 2022