Civil Rights Flashcards
Why did the framers write the Constitution with such entrenched Civil Rights?
Because the Framers didn’t want any one president to be able to remove them
What did Brown v Topeka conclude?
1954, desegregation of school s
What did Roe v Wade conclude?
1973 - Right to an abortion within two trimesters of pregnancy
What did Lawrance v Texas cnclude?
2003 - that consensual homosexual sex was legal - previously anti-sodomy laws in certian states
- enhanced gay rights
What did District of Columbia v Hedges conclude
2008 - individual right to bear arms
What did Obegerfell v Hodges conclude
2015 - right of same-sex couples to marry
What did R.G+G.R. Harriss Funeral Homes v Equal opportunity Employment Commission conclude?
2020 - Right of employees to not be discriminated if they are trans
Why is the ACLU controversial?
protects rights of ALL citizens - 1978, successfully defended Neo-Nazi march through Jewish Neighbourhood in Colorado
What did the NAACP support recently
Mobilised voters nationally to help elect Kamala harriss as first Black VP
Recent example of an attempt to protct rights
‘Respect Marriage Act’ - 2022 - made gay marriage a constitutional right in reaction to ‘Roe v Wade’
Recent Reactions to affirmative action
2020 California voters rejected proposition 16, which would have removed the 1996 ban and allowed public affirmative action
In 2020, Trumps administration filed an amicus brief arguing that Harvard’s use of AA was unconstitutional - federal court ruled in H’s favour but now a 6-3 Con majoirty on the SC
What act allowed Black voting rights to soar and what are the figures ?
Voting Rights Act in 1965 removed restrictions on voting
Black turnout increased massively - in Mississippi, 7% in 1964, 67% in 1969
What act forced photo identification and figrues for this
2013 - Shelby County v Holder - ruled states COULD impose voting restrictions; eg. strict voter photo identification which Hispanics + AAs are less likely to have; benefitting reps
In 2016, black voter turnout fell by 7% due to this, contributing in Clinton’s loss
Black man chance of prison compared to white man born in 2001
A black man born in 2001 has a 1 in 3 chance of spending time in prison, a white man has 1 in 17 chance
Political outcome of felony disenfranchisement
48 states do this - 11 states extend this till after sentence
By 2018, 1 in every 13 black person of voting age coulnd’t
what was a big victory for felony disenfranchisment
2018, campaigners won huge victory in Florida, state with highest FD, passing a ballot initiative restoring right after ppl had completed their sentences - 1.4m ppl gained vote
Rate at which Black ppl disenfranchised fell to 1 in 16 in 2020 but remains 3.7 times greater than other Americans
Example of BLM success
George Floyd’s death in 2020 leads to huge protests movement - with est 23m ppl attending protests
Protests worked - Derk Chauvin convicted of murder + 3 other officers
Plans for police reform outlined, use of Confederate flag banned in Army + protests spread to other Western Democracies
What was the reaction to Domestic Terrorism
2018, 50 ppl killed
2018, NAACP wrote to House Committee on Homeland Security to highlight danger faced by Black ppl
However, Hispanics in danger post Trump acknowledging illegal immigration from Mexico as problem - 23 murdered in 2019 shooting at Walmet, El Paso, Texas
What two bills failed that would have protected abortion ights
Womens Health Protection Bill, 2022
Ensuring Access to Abortion Bill, 2022