Press Conference List #2 Flashcards
First Native American senator
Ben Nighthorse Campbell
Mediator in the Republican Party, played vital role in debates regarding tax form
Kevin McCarthy
Senate majority leader
Chuck Schumer
Senate minority leader
Mitch McConnell
First African American senator; Alcorn State University
Hiram Rhodes Revels
First woman ever elected to Congress
Jeanette Rankin
First black woman ever elected to Congress
Shirley Chisholm
House majority leader
Steve Scalise
First Democrat to serve 3 terms
Robert (Bob) Casey Jr
Pennsylvania state Senator
John Fetterman
Serving 5th Congressional District in Pennsylvania
Mary Gay Scalon
Second First Lady of the United States; First woman to be a role model for women’s rights
Abigail Adams
Currently house minority leader; First black person to be in a leadership position in Congress
Hakeem Jeffries
First African American US Senator; New Zealand ambassador
Carol Moseley Braun
First and currently only Holocaust survivor to be elected to Congress
Tom Lantos
First woman president pro tempore of the Senate; “Mom in tennis shoes”
Patty Murray