AR 53
All executions of union in the name of president
AR 154
All executions of state in the name of governor
AR 74
COM headed by PM to aid and advice president who shall
* In exercise of his function.
* Act in accordance with such advice.
* However, president may require COM to reconsider such advice and he shall act in accordance with advice tendered after such reconsideration.
AR 163
COM headed by CM to aid and advice governor on exercise of his function.
* Except so far as he is required to exercise his function or any them in his dicretion
AR 75
PM shall be appointed by president and other ministers shall be appointed by president on advice of PM
* PM shall hold office during pleasure of president
* COM is collectively responsible to LS
AR 77
Conduct of business of govt of india
AR 78
Duties of PM
AR 88
Rights of ministers as respect of the house
AR 167
Conduct of business of govt of state
AR 168
Duties of CM
AR 177
Rights of ministers as respect of the house
AR 164
- CM shall be appointed by governor and other ministers shall be appointed by governor on advice of CM
- CM shall hold office during pleasure of governor
- COM is collectively responsible to LS