Presentations and Associations Flashcards
4 week old male infant presents with new onset regurgitation, projectile, nonbilious vomiting after feeding
pyloric stenosis
pyloric stenosis is associated with
turner syndrome and trisomy 18,
erythromycin and azithromycin exposure
newborn fails to pass meconium in the immediate postnatal period. constipation is noted . with visible, ineffective peristalsis that continues to abdominal distension and bilious vomiting
hirschsprung disease
hirschsprung disease is associated with
down syndrome and RET gene mutations
esophageal mucosal webs are associated with
women older than 40 ge refulux chronic graft vs host disease blistering skin disease iron deficiency anemia glossitis cheliosis paterson-brown-kelly plummer-vinson syndrome
40= yo woman presents with nonprogressive dysphagia and iron deficency anemia, what does she have
esophageal mucosal webs
ass. with plummer vinson in this scenario
pt presents with dysphagia for solids and liquids, difficulty burping, chest pain
achalasia is associated with
chagas disease diabetic autoimmune neuropathy malignancy, amyloidosis, sarcoidosis, lesions of the dorsal motor nuclei down dsyndrome allgrove (triple a) syndrome HSV
pt presents with hematemasis after a night of binge drinking
endoscopy reveals superficial esophageal lacerations
mallory-weiss tears
severe chest pain, tachypnea, and shock after a night of binge drinking
boerhaave syndrome
most common cause of esophagitis
reflux esophagitis
40+ obese drinker/smoker presents iwth heartburn, dysphagia and sour taste upon burping
associations for GERD
tobacco/alcohol use 40+ obesity CNS depressant use pregnancy hiatal hernia delayed gastric emptying/increased gastric volume
complications of GERD
ulceration hematemasis melena stricture development Barrett esophagus
child with GERD like symptoms, large number of intraepithelial eosinophils on endoscopy
eosinophilic esophagitis