Presentation Qs Flashcards
In Social… Lieberman’s presentation:
Q1: What type of reinforcer does brain use as social reward?
Q1: Primary reinforcers - we need and require things like water, food, shelter. Secondary reinforcers are things like money, which become primary reinforcers.
Social; Lieberman
Q: How much of a pay increase would one have to receive to have a well-being… married?
social connection were associated with a greater wellbeing – donating to charity was eq to doubling ones yearly salary…. have a friend you see on a reg basis or being married make you feel like you make an extra $100,000 a year… divorce = decrease 90,000; neighbor regularly make you feel 60,000… good health = $400,00 salary bonus compared to not feeling good health.
Mistakes were Made (but not by me); Aronson
- What is Catharsis hypothesis?
a. believing that expressing anger or behaving aggressively gets rid of anger; this hypothesis is wrong – producing anger didn’t reduce anger
- What do false memories allow us to do?
a. false memories allow us to forgive ourselves and justify our mistakes; sometimes at a high price; inability to take responsibility for our lives.
Paradox of Choice:
1. Between being Satisficer and Maximizer, what would author recommend is better decision making process?
a. maximizer → best decision made, exhaustively seek the best, compare decisions with others, expend more time and energy, unhappy w outcomes; buyer’s remorse
b. satisficer → accept good enough, don’t obsess over other options, can move on after deciding, happy with outcomes
Author recommends satisfice more, maximize less
Paradox of Choice:
2. What are the 2 types of regret the book mentions?
a. Post decision regret (buyer’s remorse)
- makes it harder to deal with choice
b. Anticipated decision regret – before we even make a decision
- makes it harder to make a decision
Demise of Guys
3. What are the side effects of prescribing young boys ADHD meds and how does it effect their sex life?
- lazy and irritable; affects motivation of sex; etc.
- smoke pot to reduce side effect
Demise of Guys
4. Why is porn responsible for giving young men unrealistic expectations regarding sex and women?
- negative effect of penis envy
- sex becomes an objectified experience due to porn
Invisible Gorilla
1. Difference between inattentional blindness and change blindness
- how can we spot limitations of our mental capacity and the invisible gorillas?
- Inattentional blindness is a lack of attention for an unexpected object (Gorilla and basketball)
Change blindness is when people are “blind” to the changes between what was in the moments before and what’s in view now - adopt a skeptical ways of thought; being aware of the limitations
Just babies
- what do children prefer when it comes to sharing?
- what effect does religion have on morality?
- 7-8 year olds gave candy
5-6 gave less candy
3-4 year old gave only 10% of their candy; indicates that we’re born to be greedy - people involved in a religious community tend to donate more money and time to charity but religious attendance can also have moral downsides
Weapons of Influence
- What two things make a lasting commitment?
- You purchase a gift for a your friend and now she feels indebted to you. what is this concept called?
- What two things make a lasting commitment?
Public and Written
- You purchase a gift for a your friend and now she feels indebted to you. what is this concept called?
Out of Character
- Which insect focused on the long term effects of your actions?
- The pride of the ant and the grasshopper serves 2 functions, what are they?
Out of Character
- Which insect focused on the long term effects of your actions?
The Ant - The pride of the ant and the grasshopper serves 2 functions, what are they?
Motivate us to persevere and signal our worth to others