presentation Flashcards
Physical activity may help by flushing bacteria out from the lungs (thus decreasing the chance of a cold, flu, or other airborne illness) and may flush out cancer-causing substances (carcinogens) by increasing output of wastes, such as urine and sweat.
Exercise sends antibodies and white blood cells (the body’s defense cells) through the body at a quicker rate. As these antibodies or white blood cells circulate more rapidly, they could detect illnesses earlier than they might normally. The increased rate of circulating blood may also trigger the release of hormones that “warn” immune cells of intruding bacteria or viruses.
The temporary rise in body temperature may prevent bacterial growth, allowing the body to fight the infection more effectively. (This is similar to what happens when the body has a fever.)
Exercise slows down the release of stress-related hormones. Stress increases the chance of illness.
Saliva washes pathogens off your teeth and helps to reduce the amount of bacteria and other pathogens in your mouth. the large salivary glands also help protect us from the numerous microbes that we are constantly exposed to through our mouth. Plasma B cells reside in the salivary glands and produce IgA antibody which is then secreted in the saliva. IgA binds the mucus layer that covers the epithelia lining of the oral cavity, thus providing a barrier against potentially dangerous pathogens.
located above the outer corner of each eye, secrete tears, which wash dust and dirt from the eyes. Tears also contain Lysozyme, a substance that combats bacteria.
on our eyes eylashes keep dust and other forigen particals out of our eyes, our hair keep us warm which helps with immunity because you are more suceptible to diease like the cold when you are cold.
Cilia on cells lining the tubes sweep mucus upward and out of the system.
Mucus Membranes
is a soft moist tissue lining the body openings and passages, such as the nose & the throat. It secretes mucus, a sticky fluid, which provides protection against some bacteria. In the nasal cavity the mucous membrane also traps germs and dust.
Stomach Acid
contains hydrochloric acid which helps to sterilize the food intake.
provides the body’s main protection against disease. Because it is dry and slightly acid, and its surface in constantly being replaced, invaders rarely colonize the skin, except in the case of injury. Beneficial bacteria live on the skin, but they can be a cause of illness if they penetrate below the surface.