spettatori, pubblico
engage the audience
Akik még nem ismernének….
For those of you who don’t already know me.
Feel free to interrupt with questions at any time.
intresting enough tohold someone’s attention
compelling (presentation, film)
make your voice loud enough to be heard from afar
to project your voice
relationship that makes communication easy
rapport, I’ve built a good rapport with my team.
images, films, charts etc., that help people understand something
visual aids
practise something before a performance
to rehearse
to memorise
É un piacere avervi tutti qui, benvenuti
It’s a (my) plesure to welcome you all.
to concentrate
to focus on
Ci sará tempo per….
There’ll be time for… at the end.
a piece of information or advice
pointer, I’ll give you some pointers on how to care for a cat if you like.
an important factor in achieving something
go along way towards, The money we raise here today will go a long way towards building a new playground.
start something like a presentation with a lot of enthusiasm, beleveti magát
to launch into, Faith launched into a long explanation about the project she’s doing at work.
a hátul ülőket is eléri
it reaches the people in the cheap seats at the back!
gyakorolj, hogy ne bénázz
practise to avoid stumbling
words to connect our discourse (now, so)
discourse markers
make focus the audience to sg
to draw attention to
very noticable, very important
emphasise something
to highlight
in detail
common question to check if people are paying attention and able to follow what you’re saying
Is everyone still with me?
to conclude
to sum up
in gymnastics it springs us upwards (step pad), ugródeszka (átv), what launches you
vorrei sentire che ne pensi, la tua opinione, o hear someone’s ideas or opinions about something
to hear someone’s thoughts
to start a topic of discussion
to bring up (felhozni egy témát)
many questions
barage of questions
növelni a haszonkulcsot
increase our profit margins
i costi di produzione continuano ad aumentare
production costs continue to rise
trovare il modo di ridurre i costi
find some ways to reduce our costs
az emelvény fölé görnyedtem
I was hunched over the lectern
kb az elóadás közepéig
until about halfway through the presentation
alcuni si sono appisolati
some of them definitely dozed off.
leosontam a színpadról, without drawing attention to yourself
slunk off stage
kisurran, without people noticing
sneak off