the ability to influence what people do to get the results you want.
to waste time doing something that is very difficult or impossible
to boil the ocean
the most important point to remember from a meeting or presentation
key takeaway
hear what you’re saying about wanting to work shorter hours and I’ll circle back to that at the end of the meeting.
to come back to something and deal with it later
to move the needle
to make a noticeable change
low-hanging fruit
something that is easy to get or achieve and that could have immediate and positive results
to make contact with somebody, often just for a short conversation
to touch base
the bleeding edge
the newest and most innovative service or product
alkalmi vásárló
one-off custumers
visszatétő vásárlók
repeat buyers
bevétel, income, reddito, entrate
to start using a plan or system, végrehajt, bevezet
pletykát terjeszt
spread the rumour around the team