Present Conditional Flashcards
I would send
You would send
Tu enverrais
She would send
Il enverrait
We would send
Nous enverrions
You(plural) would send
Vous enverriez
They would send
Elles enverraient
I would hate
Je haïrais
You would hate
Tu haïrais
She would hate
Elle haïrait
We would hate
Nous haïrions
You (plural) would hate
Vous haïriez
They would hate
Ils haïraient
I would go
You would go
Tu irais
He would go
Il irait
We would go
Nous irions
You (plural) would go
Vous iriez
They would go
Ils iraient
I would run
Je courrais
You would run
Tu courrais
He would run
Il courrait
We would run
Nous courrions
You (plural) would run
Vous courriez
They would run
Ils courraient
I would die
Je mourrais
You would die
Tu mourrais
He would die
Il mourrait
You (plural) would die
Vous mourriez
They would die
Ils mourraient
We would die
Nous mourrions
You would have
Tu aurais
Conditional tense endings
When to use the conditional tense
- What would happen
- To present unconfirmed information
- To make a hypothesis
- To express a wish
- To give advice or suggest something
How to form the conditional tense
- To take the stem of the future tense
2. Add the imperfect endings