Prescription Writing Flashcards
presription/first line written: 500mg Augmentin
Sig/directions: how to take medication, frequency, amount, time, etc.
info to pharmacist: quantity and dosage form of drug to dispense
Abreviation for right ear, left ear, each ear
right ear: ad
left ear: as
each ear: au
right eye
left eye
each eye
right eye: od
left eye: os
each eye: ou
before meals after meals at bedtime every day as needed four times a day three times a day two times a day
before meals = ac after meals = pc at bedtime = hs every day = qd as needed = prn four times a day = qid three times a day = tid two times a day = bid * a = before p = after q = every
write: take every 8 hours
q 8 hours
elixir suppository ointment tablet capsule slow/extended release solution suspension
elixir = elix suppository = supp ointment - ung tablet = tab capsule = cap slow/extended release = SR, XR, XL solution = sol suspension = susp
one, two drop gram grain liter microgram milligram milliequivalent milliliter a sufficient quantity dispense
one, two = i, ii drop = gtt gram = gm grain = gr liter = l microgram = mcg milligram = mg milliequivalent = meq milliliter = ml a sufficient quantity = qs dispense = disp
no refill
as directed
dispense a sufficient quantity
now = STAT
no refill = NR
as directed = UD
dispense a sufficient quantity = disp qs
write: 80 mg Diovan tablet take one tablet by mouth once daily
Diovan 80mg tab
i po qd
write: cephalexin 250mg cap
take two caps by mouth now, then take one cap four times daily for 10 days
Cephalexin 250mg cap
ii stat, i po qid x 10 d
write: Alphagen-P 0.1% eye drops
instill one drop to each eye every 8 hours
Alphagen-P 0.1%
i gtt ou q 8h or i q 8h ou
write: Strettera 25mg caps
take by mouth every morning
Strettera 25mg cap
i po q a.m.
write: give pt tabs 500mg augmentin every 12 hours and disp 100
A Smith 1/1/17 110 N No St., Portland, OR 97214 Rx: Augmentin 500mg Sig: T PO q 12 hours Disp: # 60 Refills: 2