Prescription Writing Flashcards
What is the purpose of a prescription
its the written direction for the preparation and administration of a medication for the treatment, prevention, or diagnosis of diseases
What was the purpose of the Durham-Humphrey Amendment of 1951
dividing medication into two categories
- safely used without medical supervision (OTC)
- only safely used with appropriate monitoring (prescription)
The responsibility for proper prescribing is upon the prescriber, but a corresponding responsibility rests with who
the pharmacist
True or False
The pharmacist has the responsibility to refuse a prescription that is unsafe or seems inappropriate
What is a prerequisite for a prescription
a legitimate patient-provider relationship including; chief complaint, diagnostic studies, history of present illness and diagnosis, medical history, and physical exam
What are some prescriptions not appropriate for a dentist to prescribe
birth control pills
What is the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Control Act of 1970
It created a schedule for certain prescriptions, allowing for close tracking and supervision; dependent upon medical use and the ability to lead to psychological or physical dependence
What is the Drug Enforcement Agency
created in 1971 to coordinate all federal efforts related to drug abuse
This type of substance requires registration with the DEA and some individual states (not Ohio) may also require a separate registration
controlled substances
A DEA # is required for patient prescriptions for which schedule of medications
II, III, and IV
Which schedule of medication have a high abuse potential and have no accepted medical use
schedule I
What are some examples of schedule I drugs
Marijuana (in most states; Ohio)
Which schedule is there a high abuse potential/severe dependency risk physically and psychologically but is accepted for medical use
schedule II
What are some examples of schedule II drugs
oxycodone amphetamine (adderall) oxycodone preparations hydrocodone preparations (NEW Aug14)
Which schedule is there a moderate dependency risk
schedule III
What are some examples of schedule III drugs
Buprenophine (subutex)
codeine preparations; <90mg/dose