Prescribing in Elderly Flashcards
What environment do drugs require for absorption?
Acidic drugs require acidic environment
Basic drugs require basic environment
Why is drug absorption different in older people?
Increased gastric pH and decreased small bowel surface area
What are some issues that may present in older people that may affect absorption?
Previous GI surgery, NJ tube or PEG feed composition, transdermal patches and oedema, proportionally more of basic drugs absorbed
How may route of drug delivery need to be changed in an older person?
Liquid/syrup for dysphagia, crush tablets for PEG or NG tube, confused patients may refuse tablets
What do drugs bind to in the body?
Albumin binds to acidic drugs and alpha-1 acid glycoprotein binds to basic drugs = older people have low albumin but higher a-1 AG
How is drug distribution different in older people?
Increased fat = increases Vd of lipophilic drugs increasing half life
Decreased body water by 10-15% = lower Vd of hydrophilic drugs
Lower Vd and CrCL so half life unchanged
How is hepatic drug metabolism different in older people?
Reduced liver function due to decreased size and blood flow = first pass metabolism reduced, biotransforming enzymes reduced
How is renal drug metabolism different in older people?
Lower GFR = decreased size, tubular secretion and renal blood flow
How are pharmacodynamics different in older people?
Lower doses achieve same effect
Some effects are decreased (e.g B blockers)
What drugs should be used with caution in older people?
Those with therapeutic index <2 = theophylline, warfarin, lithium, digoxin, vancomycin, gentamicin
What are some drugs that commonly cause side effects?
Warfarin, digoxin, insulin, benzodiazepines, diuretics, NSAIDs, corticosteroids, antihypertensives, opioids, theophylline
What are some ways to manage risk of side effects of certain drugs?
Opioids = begin laxative prophylactically Steroids = osteoporosis prevention if long term Levothyroxine = remember calcium interferes with absorption
What are some side effects of NSAIDs?
GI haemorrhage, decline in GFR, decreased effectiveness of diuretics and antihypertensives
What are some side effects of opioids and benzodiazepines?
Impair psychomotor function = falls and confusion
What are some side effects of antibiotics?
Resistance and C.diff diarrhoea