Ageing and End of Life Care Flashcards
What is palliative care about?
Doing everything possible to support someone’s quality of life in the context of an incurable illness
What communication should take place in palliative care?
Proactive communication = recording and sharing discussions is essential
What are electronic advance care plans?
Created by GPs and shared with other professionals involved in patient care = called a Key Information Summary in Scotland
What patients should have a key information summary?
All patients identified with a life limiting illness who are at risk of decline
When is palliative care offered?
At any time from diagnosis = some patients have prognosis of many months or years
Where is most palliative care provided?
By hospitals, nursing homes and community teams = only tiny percentage die in hospice
Why do specialist palliative care teams exist?
Some patients with complex needs require additional support by teams with specialist experience in providing palliative care
What are some examples of specialist palliative care services?
Hospices, community palliative care teams and hospital palliative care teams
What is step 1 for pain management?
Mild pain = paracetamol 1g 4x daily +/- NSAID +/- other adjuvant
What is step 2 for pain management?
Moderate pain = codeine 30-60mg 4x daily or cocodomol 4x daily +/- neoadjuvant
What is step 3 for pain management?
Severe pain = stop codeine and switch to strong opioid (usually morphine) +/- paracetamol/NSAIDs/adjuvants
How is morphine given for background pain?
Modified release = 2x daily tablet
How is morphine given for breakthrough pain?
Immediate release = PRN tablet or liquid (oramorph)
What is the maximum dose of morphine?
No maximum dose but monitor pain to make sure morphine is helping and that there are no unwanted side effects
What patients are likely to suffer withdrawal if their morphine is stopped?
Those established on morphine = opioid tolerant