Preschoolers: Pragmatic and Semantic Development 2-5 years Flashcards
Cognitive Development 24 months
follows simple verbal commands
Cognitive Development 27 months
points to and names familiar pictures
Cognitive Development 36 months
gives “two” objects on request
Cognitive Development 42 months
gives name on request
Cognitive Development 45 months
enjoys “make believe” play
Cognitive Development 5 years
understands concepts such as today/yesterday/tomorrow. as well as morning/afternoon/night
Social Development 27 months
communicates desire and orders others around
Social Development 30 months
demands caregiver’s attention, throws tantrums when needs are not understood
Social Development 36 Months
plays, including in groups, selects playmates
Social Development 45 Months
plays cooperatively and takes turns
Social Development 4 years
gives up immediate gratification based on promise of delayed privilege (can be bribed)
Motor Development 27 months
walks up and down stairs, does not alternate feet
Motor Development 36 months
constructs a tower of 7-8 blocks
Motor Development 39 months
dresses and undresses self
Motor Development 45 Months
copies cross and square
Motor Development 4 years
copies simple block letters
Motor Development 5 years
draws figures recognizable as a person with head, trunk, legs, and arms