Dr. R- Test 2 Flashcards
12 Months-Social Development
Express needs, wants thru vocalization and gesture to express wants and needs
What is a language sample?
A collection of a child’s utterances….experts recommend that an SLP gets 100-200 utterances (does not happen in real life, usually about 30)
What is the goal of the language sample??
To draw the child out and get them to talk to us …to evaluate the child’s morphology, syntax, phonology, semantics and pragmatic skills
According to Paul & Norbury, language samples are _______sensitive than formal tests in identifying preschoolers with language delays
According to Haynes & Pindzola what should we minimize when obtaining LS
The use of yes and no questions
Working on not Interrupting is a goal of what??
Working on plural “s” and “ing” is a goal of what?
Working on a child’s use of “thing” and “stuff” is a goal of which area?
Language Sampling helps us to do what 2 things?
plan treatment and monitor outcome
Why is the use of yes, no questions not as good as “open ended”?
Because we can solicit more of a response
What is a broad based question?
Same as open-ended…
According to Haynes & Pinzola…what should we contribute to??
According to Haynes & Pinzola, we should contribute to the conversation
Ideally…a lang. sample should be representative of what??
Ideally, a Language Sample should be representative of a child’s daily situation
When should a language sample be gathered? (over what period of time)
A LS should be gathered over several different sessions with several different conversational partners (family, friends)
Owens 2010 states that the LS would be less contrived if what?
According to Owens, the LS will be less contrived if the SLP follows children lead and adopts the childs topics for conversation
Free play is good for ______?
Free play is good for younger children
If free play is good for younger children, what is good for interview with older children?
For older children, interviews are better than free play, because they talk more
What are some interesting topics for children?
animals, friends, sports, what they like to do at recess,music, new baby
To analyze syntax, we need to evaluate the ch’s use of what 3 things?
To analyze syntactic skills we need to evaluate the ch’s use of 1. VERB PHRASES
What about sentence type is important when evaluating a ch’s language?
If they use a variety of sentences ( and not all all declarative or all interrogative)
What is a compound sentence?
A compound sentence has 2 or more independent phrases connected with a conjunction
To analyze morphological skills we should use what?
To analzye morphological skills we need to use pictures (-ing, plural nouns)
What can we do further to analyze a ch’s morphological skills?
To further analyze a ch’s Morphological skills …We can tell a story and ask the ch to re-tell the story
To assess Semantic skills what can the SLP do?
To assess Semantic skills we can note the ch’s use of words that they use…look esp. for “thing” and “stuff”
According to Haynes & Pindzola (2012)- in older students what should we look for when assessing their Lang.
According to Haynes & Pindzola - In older students we need to look for Semantically empty placeholders (um, you know, f*^%)
To assess for Pragmatic skills, we should look for…?
To assess pragmatic skills, look for ….turn-taking skills, conversational repair and presuppositional skills, difficulty defining words. We also look for eye-contact and other non-verbal behaviors and are they able to initiate and maintain topic
What is conversational repair?
Conversational repair is the ability to repeat something that originally is unintelligible
What are presuppostional skills?
When a ch assumes we know what they are talking about
Rice et al (April 2010) Journal of Speech, Lan., and Hearing Research what is a tool for evaluating ch’s lang.?
MLU (Mean Length of Utterance)
What type of ch is MLU good for?
Both typically developing and L I child
How do we calculate MLU (Mean length of utterance)?
MLU is the average number of morphemes in a ch’s utterance
Rules for counting Morphemes: What is a catenative?
A catenative is word like hafta, gonna, wanta COUNT AS 1
Rules for counting Morphemes: What are Reduplicated words?
Reduplicated words are words like baba, choo-choo COUNT AS 1
Rules for counting Morphemse: What are Diminutives?
A Diminutive is a word like horsie, dolly, Mommy COUNT AS 1
Rules for counting Morphemes: What are irreg. past tense forms?
Irregular past tense forms are words like went, rode, ate COUNT AS 1
Rules for counting Morphemes: Irregular plural forms?
Irregular plural forms (mice) count as 1
Rules for counting Morphemes: what is a plural which do not occur in the singular form
Plurals which do not occur in the singular form (pants, slacks, clothes) COUNT AS 1
Rules for counting Morphemes: What are recurrences of a word for emphasis
Recurrences of a word for emphasis (no, no, no) COUNT AS 1
Rules for counting Morphemes: Compound words
Compound words (railroad, birthday) COUNT AS 1
Rules for counting MORPHEMES: Possessive nouns
Possessive nouns (Tom’s, Mommy’s) COUNT AS 2
Rules for counting MORPHEMES: Plural nouns
Plural nouns (leaves, chairs) COUNT AS 2
Rules for counting Morphemes: Third person singular, present tense verbs
Third person singular, present tense verbs (writes, eats, runs) COUNT AS 2
Rules for counting Morphemes: Present progressive verbs
Present progressive verbs (running, eating, listening) COUNT AS 2
Counting Morphemes: Adverb endings
Adverb endings (kindly, quickly) COUNT AS 2
Comparative and superlative endings (bigger, faster, smallest, tallest) COUNT AS 2
Counting Morphemes: Contractions
Contractions (can’t don’t isn’t, it’s, that’s, he’s, I’m) COUNT AS 2
Counting Morphemes: Words such as dirty, scary, mushy count as what??
Words such as dirty, scary and mushy count as 2
Counting Morphemes: Words such as dancer, teacher and painter count as what?
Words such as dancer, teacher and painter count as 2 morphemes
Counting Morphemes: Words such as broken and sharpen count as how many?
Words such as broken and sharpen count as 2 morphemes
When counting MORPHEMES, what should we NOT count?
When counting Morphemes, we should not count,
- Direct imitations of the examiner
- Repetitions
- Partial utterance which are interrupted (“that’s my…..ooops)
- Rote utterances (e.g., parts of memorized nursery rhymes
- False starts and reformulations
- Fillers such as um, you know, oh
What is Glossing?
Glossing is the inserting forms or words that the child did not say but should have said
When glossing, how do we count morphemes?
When glossing, we only count the number of morphemes that the ch actually says
How do we calculate MLU?
The MLU is number of morphemes divided by # of utterances
Pragmatics: Development…what is different about a toddler than an infant?
Toddlers can stand, walk and run, the world opens up
What is object permanence?
Knowing if something disappears from sight, it still exists
What is a Primitive Speech Act?
A PSA is a distinctive vocalization or word, often accompanied by a gesture, to communicate intentions
Can a toddler understand cause and effect?
Yes, they generally understand cause-effect: that their behavior influences caregiver’s actions
At what age does locutionary stage begin?
12 months
At what age is a ch considered a toddler?
12-24 Months
Which of Dore’s PSA are attributed to toddlers?
Labeling, greeting, calling and repeating, request action, requesting answer
What is requesting action?
A ch asking someone to do something specific (“cuppy”, “cookie”)
What is presupposition?
It refers to speakers’ ability to judge how much their listeners might know about the subject being introduced and to adapt their utterances accordingly
In most conversations btwn toddlers and caregivers are presupposition skills needed.
Not really
What is turn-taking?
It is a conversational skill where speakers and listeners appropriately switch roles. They contribute something new each trun should contribute something new to the conversation.
Having good presuppositional skills means being able to adapt to who?
The listener
What is topic initiation?
Being able to establish a subject for a conversation a speaker is about to begin
During topic initiation after getting attention does it matter if they introduce a subject familiar t both people?
Yes and then add new info.
What will happen if small ch don’t understand topic initiation?
They may get rejected or shunned
What is Selective Imitation?
Repeating portions of caregiver’s previous utterances are repeated.
What is an Interrogative Utterance?
Asking what things are
What is Hypothesis testing?
A ch attempts a word requesting affirmation. “kwerl?”
What is another term for “motherese”
What is a Wh-constituent question?
It requires toddlers to recall associated information from their experience and formulate a specific response
What is an elicited imitation?
If an adult were to say to a ch…“Say thank you”
What is a confirmational Yes no question?
“Do policemen keep us safe?”
What is a turnabout?
Comments, questions that follow toddler’s utterances to maintain interaction
What is an expansion?
Caregivers adding grammatically incorrect utterance (correct grammar)
What is an extension?
caregivers adding grammatical AND semantic information (really powerful)
What do we add when use an extension?
We add new grammatical and semantic information
What did Robers & Kaiser find out about working with Parents??
Working with them as little as once a week can be beneficial and that extensions are very useful easily taught to parents and they increase a ch’s morphosyntacic skills
Toddlers like what about books?
Toddlers like the pictures, will go through and call out labels
What is direct intervention?
Where the SLP works directly with the child
What is indirect intervention?
Where the SLP trains caregivers such as parents and teachers to stimulate children’s language development
What is Incidental teaching?
Where an adult carefully observes child, takes advantage of spontaneous teachable moments
What are communicative temptations?
Are illictation tasks that increase the liklihood that ch will use language to get what they want (put object out of ch’s reach)
What is the greatest language enforcer??
Attention is the greatest reinforcer of all!!