Prepositions - Afrikaans Flashcards
met opset
on purpose
verlief op
in love with
ten spyte van
in spite of
Om tienuur
at 10 o’clock
teen my sin
against my will
onder die tafel
under the table
per telefoon
by telephone
kwaad vir
angry with
per trein / motor
by train / car (all vehicles)
op die ou end
in the end
Sien uit na
look forward to
Ontmoet by
Meet at
dink aan
think of
pasop vir
watch out for
Getroud met
married to
wag op (iets)
wait for
kla oor
complain about
kwart oor
quarter past
Per geluk
by chance
die beste ter wereld
the beste in the world
trots op
proud of
bang vir
scared of
aan die einde
at the end
Aansoek doen om
Apply for
Loop agter iemand
met behulp van
with the help of
in plaas van
instead of
Verlang na
long for
gee aan
give to
per ongeluk
by accident
Soek na
Look for
in hegtenis neem
takes into custody
jaloers op
jealous of
skrik vir
get a fright from
hand aan hand
hand in hand
klop aan
knocks on
om die hoek
Around the corner
Om hierdie rede
for this reason
op skool
at school