More sayings Flashcards
Belofte maak skuld.
Promises are binding
In die land van die blindes is die eenoog koning.
In the land of the blind, the one-eyed is king.
Sy blus is uit
He is exhausted.
Om die bos lei.
To deceive.
Die daad by die woord voeg.
To suit the action to the word.
Dit slaan my dronk
That beats me.
Stille waters, diepe grond, onder draai die duiwel rond
Still waters run deep.
Erfgeld is swerfgeld
Easy come, easy go.
Vol fiemies wees.
To be full of whims.
Die gort is gaar.
The fat is in the fire.
Die hande uit die mou steek.
Put the shoulder to the wheel.
Elke huis het sy kruis.
There’s a skeleton in every cupboard
Vir iemand ‘n klip uit die pad rol.
To do somebody a favor.
Stadig oor die klippe.
Be careful. Go slowly.
‘n Uiltjie knip.
To take a nap.
In sy vuis lag.
To laugh up one’s sleeve.
Lepel in die dak steek.
To die.
Aan iemand se lippe hang.
To hang on a persons words.
Hy sal dit nie maak nie.
He will not succeed.
Môre is nog ‘n dag.
Tomorrow will do just as well.
In sy noppies wees.
To be pleased as punch.
Gou op sy perdjie wees.
To be quick-tempered.
Iemand in die steek laat.
Leave someone in the lurch.
Iets laat vaar.
To abandon something.
‘n Voëltjie hoor fluit.
To hear a rumor.
Voet by stuk hou
To persevere.
Baie ysters in die vuur hê.
To have many irons in the fire.
Na my beskeie mening.
In my humble opinion.
Van heinde en verre.
From wide and far.
Voor dooiemansdeur kom.
To find nobody at home.
Probeer is die beste geweer.
There’s nothing like trying.
Van uitstel kom afstel.
Procrastination is the thief of time.
Vrae is vry en die weier daarby.
Questions are free, but also the right of refusal.