Prepositions Flashcards
What preposition is used with
- cities
- small islands
What preposition is used with
- countries
- regions
- continents
- large islands
What preposition is used with
-names of persons
“Vieni __ Marco stasera?”
-personal pronouns
“Domani c’è una festa __ me.”
What preposition is used with
“Quando parti __ Vienna?”
- passo
- Se vado a Torino passo __ Genova.”
What is appropriate preposition?
essere __
(to be) from
What is appropriate preposition?
tornare __
(return) from
What is appropriate preposition?
venire __
(to come) from
What is appropriate preposition?
vicino __
(to be near) to
What is appropriate preposition?
lontano __
(far) from
What preposition is used to express
- a continuous time
- an action which is still continuing in the present?
Aspetto l’autobus ___ mezz’ora (e sono ancora qui ad aspettarlo)
Studio inglese ___ molto tempo (e ancora lo studio).
Vivo a New York ___ 3 anni (e ancora ci vivo)
Use Da for continuous time into the PRESENT
What preposition is used to express
- a definite time
- an action closed by a time limit in the past or future
Ho aspettato l’autobus ___ mezz’ora (sono andato via, non lo aspetto più)
Voglio vivere all’estero ___ un po’ di tempo.
Rimango a Milano ___ 2 mesi.
Use Per for definite time, closed by time limit; either in the past or the future
What preposition is used to express
-a precise time in the past
Ho conosciuto Rita 2 anni ___.
Sono arrivato alla stazione 10 minuti ___ e ho perso il treno.
Use Fa for a precise time in the PAST.
English equivalent is “ago”
What preposition is used to express
-a precise time in the future
Mi alzo ___ 5 minuti.
Il prossimo treno parte ___ un’ora.
Use Tra/Fra for a precise time in the FUTURE
What preposition(s) is used to express -a definite period, with a specific start and end
Lavoro ___ settembre ___ giugno.
Sergio studia ___ mattina ___ sera
Use Da…..A…. to express a definite period from start to end
English equivalent is “from (this period) to (this period)”
What preposition is used
- for places that end in “-ia”,
- -for example, pizzer-IA?
Used for places in general.
Not for definite, particular places.