La vita di tutti i giorni Flashcards
One has to wake up early
Bisogna svegliarsi presto
One has to get up early
Bisogna alzarsi presto
One has to wash up early
Bisogna lavarsi presto
One has to get dressed early
Bisogna vestirsi presto
One has to get undressed early
Bisogna spogliarsi presto
One has to fall asleep early
Bisogna addormentarsi presto
to brush your teeth
lavarsi i denti
to bathe, to take a bath
farsi il bagno
to comb your hair
to relax
to rest
to shave
to shower
farsi la doccia
to wash your face
lavarsi il viso
to wash your hands
lavarsi le mani
She has to cut her nails
Lei deve tagliarsi le unghie
to brush her hair
spazzolarsi i capelli
to dry her hair
asciugarsi i capelli
to put on lipstick
mettersi il rossetto
to put on makeup
to shave her legs
depilarsi le gambe
Shampoo and Conditioner
Shampooe Balsamo
a hairbrush
una spazzola per capelli
a lipstick
un rossetto
il trucco
il sapone
a toothbrush
uno spazzolino
in the medicine chest
nell’armadietto del bagno
One shouldn’t get angry
Non bisogna arrabbiarsi