Prepositions Flashcards
odadob vkinek
throw to
(threw, thrown)
She threw my keys to me.
eszébe jut vmi
think of
(thought, thought)
Why didn’t I think of that idea before?
él vmiből
live on
She lives on very little money.
megpályáz vkinél vmit
apply to sb for sb
I applied to the ministry for the job.
elmagyaráz vmit vkinek
explain sg to sb
Can you explain this expression to me?
számít vkire/vmire
rely on
She is the kind of person you can rely on.
emlékeztet (vmire a múltból)
remind sb of sg
This photo reminds me of Jill.
hall/tud vmiről (hogy létezik)
hear of
(heard, heard)
Who is Bill? I have never heard of him.
csekk 500 fontért
cheque for 500 pound
I have a cheque for 500 pound.
lefordít egyik nyelvről a másikra
translate sg from a language into another
This book has been translated into a lot of languages.
hozzávág vkihez
throw at
Don’t throw stones at birds.
ellát/felszerel vkit vmivel
supply sb with sg
Parents supply children with advice.
megtölt vmit vmivel
fill (in) sg with sg
Can you fill this bucket with water?
megbocsát vkinek vmiért
forgive sb for sg
(forgave, forgiven)
I’ll never forgive him for what he did.
megkér vkit vmire
ask sb to do sg
She asked me to open the door.
kapcsolatba lép vkivel
get in touch with sb
How can I get in touch with you?
megköszön vkinek vmit
thank sb for sg
Thank you for being so patient.
vélekedik vmiről, gondol vmit
think of
(thought, thought)
What do you think of that man over there?
törődik vmivel/vkivel
care about sb
She doesn’t care about other people.
összeütközik vmivel
collide with
A car collided with another car
kiabál kivel (idegből)
shout at
She went mad and started shouting at me.
összehasonlít vmivel
compare with/to
These shoese are good with the others.
megkérdez vkit
ask sb
Let me ask you a question.
ápolónőként dolgozik
work as a nurse
She worked as a nurse for ten years.
figyelmeztet vkit vmire
warn sb about sg
Everybody has been warned about dangers of smoking.
álmodozik vmiről (ébren)
dream of
(dreamt, dreamt)
Do you sometimes dream of being rich?
sikeres vmiben
succeed in
They’ve succeeded in finding a cure of cancer.
egyetért vkivel vmiről
agree with sb on sg
I agree with you on most things.
panaszkodik betegségre
complain of a pain or illness
He complained of pain in his head.
gondoskodik vmiről
care for sg
She cares for 10 cats.
1. beszél vkivel vmiről
speak to sb about sg
(spoke, spoken)
Have you spoken to the teacher about your homework?
elmesél vmit vkinek
tell sb about sg
(told, told)
Have I told you about my last holiday?
dolgozik egy helyen
work in a place
She works in an office.
gyanúsít vkit vmivel
suspect sb of
The teacher suspected the students of cheating.
előny/hátrány vminek
What are the advantages of strict schools?
kedvel vmit jobban mint vmi mást
prefer to do sg rather than (do) sg else
He prefers to stay at home rather than go out.
megérkezik (városba, országba)
arrive in
The plane arrived in Rome.
ragaszkodik vmihez
insist on
She insisted on paying for the meal.
gondolkodik vmin
think about
I’m thinking about selling my car.
szolgálatban van
be on duty
She has been on duty since 6 am.
jobban kedvel vmit mint mást
prefer sg to sg else
She prefers coffee to tea. I prefer going to the theatre to going to the cinema.
keres egy helyen vmit
search a place for sg
I searched the whole room for my keys.
hibáztat vkit vmiért
blame sb for sg
They blamed me for the bad weather.
megérkezik (helyre)
arrive at
She always arrives at school at 8 am.
leír/ecsetel vkinek, hogy…
describe to sb that…
Describe to me what you saw please.
vádol vkit vmivel
accuse sb of
He was accused of stealing.
megnézd vmit
(have a) look at
Can I have a look at it?
tartozik vhova
belong to
Who does this pen belong to?
koncentrál vmire
concentrate on
I’m trying to concentrace on my work.
helyesel vmit
approve of
Her parents don’t approve of what she does.
fizet vkinek vmiért
pay (sb) for sg
Who’s going to pay for the meal?
diploma vmiből
degree in
She has a degree in Maths.
kár, rongálódás vmiben
damage to
Did you do much damage to the car?
udvarias, udvariatlan vkivel
(im)polite to
I always try to be polite to everybody.
udvarias, udvariatlan vki részéről
(im)polite of
It was polite of you to say sorry.
un vmit
bored with sg
I’m bored with this football match.
szégyenkező, szégyenérzet nélküli vmi miatt
She was ashamed of her boyfriend.
vmi szerint
according to
According to the weather forecast it’ll be sunny.
sajnálkozik vmi miatt
sorry about sg
I’m sorry about your illness.
vmi helyett, helyette
instead of sg
Let’s go out instead of staying at home.
vmi eredményeként
as a result
As a result of that she got promoted.
sajnálja, hogy vmit tett
sorry for doing sg
I’m sorry for being late.
végre, végül
at last
We have met at last.
vmin kívül, eltekintve vmitől
apart from
Have you done anything apart from watching TV?
vasárnap délután
on Sunday afternoon
What are you doing on Sunday afternoon?
10 percen belül
within/in ten minutes
I’ll be there within ten minutes.
sokkolt vmitől
shocked at/by sg
He must’ve been shocked by the death of his father.
sajnál vkit
be sorry for sb
I’m sorry for the poor.
by 9
I’ll be at home by 9.
in the morning/afternoon
What do you usually do in the afternoon?
rémült/retteg vmitől
frightened/terrified of
She was frightened of her husband.
rossz vmiben
bad at
She is bad at Maths.
reménytelen vmiben
hopeless at
He can’t have been hopeless at football.
a parton
on the coast
The resort was on the coast of Africa.
a távolban
in the distance
In the distance a fishing boat appeared.
in pen/in pencil
Write your answers in pen.
tegnap délután
yesterday afternoon
Yesterday afternoon I watched TV.
úton vhova
on the way to swhere
I was on the way to work when it happened.
tipikus vkitől
typical of
It was typical of her lying to him like that.
tömött, zsúfolt/nem zsúfolt vmivel
(un)crowded with
The square was crowded with people.*
tudatában (eszméleténél)/nincs tudatában vminek
(un)conccious of
Teenage girls are conscious of the way they look.
tolerán/nem toleráns vkivel szemben
She has always been tolerant of me.
tegnap éjjel
last night
She didn’t go out last night.
tudatában/nincs tudatában vminek
(un)aware of
Are you aware of the fact that TV exists?
tele van
full of
The room is full of books.
le van nyűgözve/nem meghatott vmitől
(un)impressed with/by sg
I have always been impressed by great painters.
mivel, minthogy
As he had no more homework, he went to bed.
egyedül van
be *on *sb’s own**
Are you on your own?
hall vkiről
hear from
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
(ki)fejlődik vmivé
develop into sg
The business developed into a big company.
hisz vkinek
believe sb
Believe me. I’m telling the truth.
be on strike for money
Car workers are on strike for more money.
keres vmit
look for
Who are you looking for?
történik vkivel
happen to
What happened to you?
rendetlenség van
be in a mess
The room is in a mess.
2. beszél vkivel vmiről
talk to sb about sg
I talked to him about you.
vminek a megoldása
solution to
There is a solution to every problem.
hall vmiről (ami történik)
hear about
Have you heard about the match?
kifizet vmit (számlát, lakbért)
pay a bill, a tax, a rend
Have you payed the phone bill yet?
vár, hogy vmi megtörténjen
wait for sg to happen
I’m waiting for the rain to stop.
figyelmet szentel vminek
pay attention to sg
(paid, paid)
Don’t pay attention to hypocrites.
kapcsolat, viszony vkivel
relationship with
Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
elad vmit vmennyiért
sell sg for sg
(sold, sold)
I sold my car for a lot of money.
szakosodik vmire
specialise in
She specialises in paediatrics.
terv vmiről
plan of
Have you got a plan of the journey?
szenved vmitől
suffer from (an illness)
Many people suffer from heart disease.
megvéd vmitől
protect sb from (or against) sg
Sunglasses protect your eyes from the sun.
elfelejt vmit
forget about sg
(forgot, forgotten)
Just forget all about it!
meghal vmiben
die of
He eventually died of cancer.
reakció vmire
reaction to
His reaction to my suggestion was strange.
függ vmitől
depend on
It depends on the weather.
elválaszt vmit
divide sg into
The teacher diveded the class into three.
ráfog vmit vkire
blame sg on sb
The company blamed the loss on me.
térkép vmiről
map of
Have you got a map of Budapest?
kulcs vmihez
key to
I don’t have a key to that door.
költ vmire
spend (money) on
How much do you spend on clothes?
késik vhonnan
be late for
She has never been late for work.
elmegy vhova
leave a place for another place
At 10 I left Budapest for Tata.
áll vmiből
consist of
Air mainly consists of oxygen and hydrogen.
**operate on
The doctor operated on the patient.
vitázik vmin
argue with sb about sg
She argued with them about her salary.
felhív vkit
phone sb
How often do you phone your parents?
bánik vmivel
**deal with
He is not easy to deal with.
hisz vmiben
believe in sg
Do you believe in God?
betör vhova
break into
(broke, broken)
My flat was broken into but nothing was stolen.
tesz vmit vmiért
do sg about sg
You should do sg about the problem.
vitázik vmin (2)
have a discussion about sg
We had a discussion about politics.
válasz vmire
answer/reply to
Have you replied to the letter you got? I don’t know the answer to this question.
céloz vmit/(rá)mutat vmire
aim/point at
The sniper aimed his rifle at his target.
érintkezés, kapcsolat vkivel
connection/contact with
I have no connection with her.
növekedés (számban)
increase/rise in
There’s been an increase in unemployment.
véletlenül csinál
do sg by accident/by chance
Sorry, I did it by accident.
megvitat vmit
discuss sg/talk sg over
We talked over a lot of things.
gratulál/tiszteletet ad vkinek vmiért
congratulate/compliment (sb) on
Let me congratulate on your exam.
nevet/mosolyog vmin
laugh/smile at
People don’t like being laughed at.
érintkezés, kapcsolat vkik között
connection/contact between
There has been no contact between us.
rálő vmire
shoot/fire at
Don’t shoot at animals. It’s cruel.
beleszalad/beleütközik vmibe
run/bump into
The student ran into the teacher in the corridor.
bámul vmit/rápillant vmire
stare/glance at
What are you staring at?
felvág/széthasít vmit
cut/split sg into
You have to cut the meat into pieces.
nekimegy/nekivezet vminek
crash/drive into
The car crashed into a tree.
csökkenés (számban)
decrease/fall in
There was a fall in the number of whales.
igény vmire
demand/need for
There’s no demand for clothes like those.
indok vminek
cause of
What was the cause of explosion?
direkt csinál
do sg on purpose
He did it on purpose.
apró 1 fontért
change for (a pound)
Do you have change for a pound?
szeretne vmit
care for sg
Would you care for a drink?
meghívás vhova
invitation to
Invitations to the party were made by phone.
meghív vkit vacsorára
invite (sb) for dinner
Let me invite you for dinner tonight.
panaszkodik vkinek vmire
complain to sb about sg
I complained to the chef about the food.
rákiált vkire (hogy meghallja)
**shout to
She shouted to because I had lost her.
álmodik vmit (alvás közben)
dream about
(dreamt, dreamt)
I dreamt about a dragon last night.
emlékeztet (hogy ne felejtsd el a jövőben)
remind sb about sg
Please remind me about the meeting.
ellát vkit vmivel
provide (sb) with sg
The school provides the students with books.
dolgozik egy cégnél
work for a company
I have worked for a Coca-Cola for a years.
szerelemes vkibe
be in love with sb
She is very much in love with him.
hozzáállás vmihez
attitude to (toward(s))
The Japanese attitude to work is different.
bocsánatot kér vkitől vmiért
apologise (to sb) for sg
I must apologise to you forgetting your name.
vkit hibáztatnak vmiért (passzív)
sb is to blame for sg
The government is to blame for the inflation rate.
megoszt vmit vkivel
share sg with sb
I’m going to share the prize with you.
törődik azzal, hogy…
care what/where/how
I don’t care what you say.
kér vkitől vmit
ask sb for sg
Don’t ask hime for money. He is mean.
elmagyaráz vkinek, hogy…
explain (to sb) that…
He explained to me that it was my fault.
kép/fotó/rajz vmiről
picture/photo/drawing of
She draws pictures of flowers.
ok(a) magyarázat(a) vminek
reason for
There was no reason for saying that.
kapcsolat, viszony vkik között
relationship between
The relationship between the two countries has deterioated since the conflict.
butaság vki részéről
silly of
It was silly of you to wake up the dog.
bosszús vmi miatt
annoyed about sg
She was really annoyed about her husband.
aggódik vmi miatt
worried about sg
I was really worried about you.
on average
He had ten lessons a month on average.
in general/generally
I don’t hesitate too much generally.
dühös vmi miatt
furious about sg
I got furious about the delay.
dühös vkire vmi miatt
furious withsbfor doing sg
I’m furious with you for having bad marks.
gyanakvó/gyanútlan vkire
She got suspicious of her husband.
(gyöngéden) szerető/kedvel vmit
found of/have fondness for
How long have you had a fondness for music?
in advance
You have to pay in advance.
ellenére, dacára
despite/in spite of
Despite what she says she doesn’t love you.
each other/one another
Those two have always liked each other.
in the north/south
Italy is in the south of Europe.
elképedt/nem csodálkozó vmitől
(un)amazed at/by sg
I’m not amazed at her at all.
érdeklődik/közönyös vmi iránt
He was always been interested in politics.
elégedett, boldog/elégedetlen vmitől
(un)pleased/(un)satisfied with sg
Her parents were pleased with her boyfriend.
elege van vmiből
fed up with sg
I’m never fed up with learning new words.
el van jegyezve/nincs eljegyezve vkivel
(un)engaged to
When did she get engaged to him?
at night
I don’t read horror stories at night.
független vmitől
independent of
The company is independent of the government.
jó vmiben
good at
I’m good at telling jokes.
fél/nem fél vmitől
They aren’t afraid of dogs.
felelős vmiért
responsible for
Politicians should be responsible for the people.
fáradt vmitől
tired of
You must have been tired of work.
függ vmitől
depentent on
She isn’t dependent on her husband.
féle, fajta
kind/sort of
What sort of music do you like?
féltékeny vmire
jealous of
Women are always jealous of each other.
irigy/irigység nélküli vmire
Men are envious of each other.
ideges vmi miatt
angry about sg
What are you angry about?
ideges vkire vmiért
angry with sb for doing sg
I’m angry with you for not doing any homework.
izgatott/nyugodt vmi miatt
(un)excited about sg
Are you excited about your holiday?
izgul, ideges vmi miatt
nervous about sg
I’m never nervous about exams.
hétfő este
on Monday evening
Are you coming with us on Monday evening?
házas/nem házas vkivel
(un)married to sb
Who are you married to?