Phrasal_verbs Flashcards
szól valamiről (történet)
be about
The film is about a princess.
lépést tart
keep up to with
It’s difficult to keep up with you.
rajta múlik
be up to sb
It’s up to you.
felszáll, felemelkedik
take off
The plane takes of in ten minutes.
kárpótol vkit
make (it) up to sb
(made, made)
I’ll make it up to you
turn round
He turned round to see the building.
pick up
She picked up the note she had dropped.
elolt (tüzet)
put out
Put out your cigarette before you entering the bank.
leesik vhonnan
fall off sg
(fell, fallen)
I was changing a bulb when I fell off the ladder.
look out
Look out! There’s a car coming.
set off
(set, set)
We set off at 8 in the morning.
eljut vhova
get to swhere
(got, got)
I need to get to New York.
kibékül vkivel
make it up with sb
(made, made)
I’ll never make it up with him.
mi a helyzet?
be up
What’s up?
hang on
Hang on. I’ll call him.
elmegy vhova
be off
Mum, I’m off to school.
elvisel vmit
put up with
(put, put)
How can you put up with your boss?
give sg away
(gave, given)
She gave away her new watch.
felvesz (ruhát)
put on sg
(put, put)
Are you going to put on that dress?
kiszámol, átlát
work out
I’m trying to work out the answer to the question.
kutyát sétáltat
take the dog out for a walk
(took, taken)
He always takes his dog out for a walk at night.
felhagy, abbahagy vmit
give sg up
(gave, given)
I’ll NEVER give up learning English.
sort out
They’ll sort out the problem quickly.
bring up
(brought, brought)
She brought up six children.
beárul, megmond
tell on sb
I’ll tell on you!
eldob, kidob vmit
throw away
(threw, thrown)
Don’t throw away that latter. I might need it.
be off
This soup is off.
elhatározza magát
make up sb’s mind
(made, made)
It’s time to make up your mind.
get up
(got, got)
When did you get up this morning?
pull down
The goverment had the old buildings pulled down.
jár valakivel
go out with sb
(went, gone)
They have been going out for 4 years.
elromlik, leáll
go wrong, break down
(went, gone)
My car is always breaking down.
megtud vmit
find out about sg
(found, found)
She was extremely angry when she found out the truth.
meghökkent vkit
take sb aback
(took, taken)
The resulst took him aback.
folytat vmit
carry/go on with
(went, gone)
Carry on with your work.
eltesz, félretesz
put away
(put, put)
He put away his toys.
levesz (ruhát)
take sg off
(took, taken)
She took of her bra.
gondoskodik vkiről
look after sb
Nurses look after people in hospital.
leszáll (járműről)
get off
(got, got)
Get off the bus at Station Road.
kikeres információt
look sg up
I looked her phone number up.
csörög (óra/telefon),
elsül (fegyver)
go off
(went, gone)
The alarm clock went off at 7.
tovább csinál vmit
keep on doing sg
(kept, kept)
I tried to quiet her, but she kept on asking questions.
nagyon/alig vár vmit
look forward to sg
I look forward to hearing from you.
csökkent, leszállít
cut down on
(cut, cut)
The company cut down on the expenses.
leszid vkit
tell sb off for sg
(told, told)
She told the children off for being too noisy.
zokogásban tör ki
break down (broke, broken)
She will break down when she learns the truth.
továbbmegy, közeledik valamihez
get on with sg
(got, got)
Let’s get on with it already, I don’t have all day.
cserbenhagy vkit
let sb down
(let, let)
Don’t let me down.
összeveszik vkivel
fall out with sb
(fell, fallen)
She has fallen out with her parents again.
felszáll (járműre)
get on
(got, got)
You can’t get on the bus until it stops.
megtanul, elsajátít
pick up
I picked up some Spanish during vacation.
véletlenül rátalál valamire
come across
(came, come)
The other day I came across your old shoes.
kijön, boldogul vkivel
get on with sb
(got, got)
How are you getting on with your new job?
csökkent vmit
cut down on sg
(cut, cut)
You should cut down on the amount of cigarettes you smoke.
- várakozik
- kapaszkodik
hold on
(held, held)
Hold on. We are going fast.
put off
(put, put)
The meeting has been put off.
kitalál (történetet)
make up
(made, made)
Is that story true, or did you make it up?
visszatekint vmire
look back on sg
Do you often look back on your childhood?
turn down
She turned down the job offer.
szólít vkit
call for sb
I’ll call for you later.
meghív vki vhova
invite (sb) to swhere
How many guest did you invite to the party?
túlteszi magát vmin
get over
(got, got)
You will get over it soon. Don’t worry.
távol marad
keep away from
(kept, kept)
Keep away from him. He is ill.
megszabadul vmitől, leráz
get rid of sg
I have to get rid of this car.
lemond, visszamond
call off
The concert was called off.
megnő (népszerűség)
take off
Her popularity has taken off since the interview.
megáll, látogatás tesz vhol
call at
This train calls at every station.
megszerez, megkaparint, megfog
take/get hold ofsg
I’m going to get hold of the money.
megértet vkivel
get across to sb
It’s difficult to get across to him.
clear up
Clear up your room before leaving.
kiválogat vmit vhonnan
sort out sg from sg
It’s difficult to sort out the goats from the sheep.
kiderül, kitudódik vmi
turn out
It turned out that he was a burglar.
kikisér vkit
see sb out
The host saw the guests out.
kifogy vmiből
run out ofsg
We have run out of money.
kicsúfol vkit
call sy names
They called him names.
kinő (ruhát)
grow out ofclothes
The childern grew out of their clothes.
kivizsgál, utánajár
look into sg
I’ll look into this matter immediately.
lenéz vkit
look down on sb
She looks down on everyone.
hivalkodik, kérkedik, fitogtat
show off
She is always showing off her money.
fellendül, javul
look up
Recently sales have been looking up.
javul (egészség)
pick up
Her health has picked up since moved there.
stand for
What does VIP stand for?
put sb up
Thank you for putting us up.
elveszi az étvágyát
put sb off
The kitchen put me off eating there.
elkezd (sportot)
take up a sport
When did you take up tennis?
elgázol, elüt
run sb over/knock sb down
(ran, run)
A car ran him over.
hasonlít vkire
take after sb
You take after your father.
átveszi a hatalmat, vezetést
take over/take control of
The company was taken over by foreigners.
átugrik vkihez
pop round
Why don’t you pop round?
bekukkant vkihez
pop in
He pops in to see her once a week.
(be)illeszkedik, alkalmazkodik
fit in with
He is having trouble fitting in with the other children.
felemészt (időt)
take up (time)
Tennis takes up so much time.
go on (happen)
What’s going on?