Prepositions Flashcards
Preps. that start w/ A
Aboard, about, above, according to, across, across from, after, against, along, alongside, alongside of, along with, amid, among, apart from, around, aside from, at, away from
Preps. that start with B
Because of, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, besides, between, beyond, by, by means of
Preps. that start w/ C
Concerning, considering
Preps, that start w/ D
Despite, down, down from, during
Preps. that start w/ E
Except, Except for, excepting
Preps. that start w/F
For, from, from among, from between, from under
Preps. that start w/ I
In, in addition to, in back of, in front of, in place of, in regard of, inside, inside of, in spite of, instead of, into
Preps. that start w/ L
Preps. that start w/ N
Near, near to
Preps. that start w/ O
Of, off, on, on account of, on behalf of, onto, on top of, opposite, out, out of, outside, outside of, over, over to, owing to
Preps. that start w/ P
past, prior to
Preps. that start w/ R
Regarding, round, round about
Preps. that start w/ S
save, since, subsequent to
Preps. that start w/ T
together with, through, throughout, till, to, toward,
Preps. that start w/ U
Under, underneath, until, unto, up, up to, upon