Preparticipation PE Flashcards
Purpose of PPE?
- impt 1st step in assisting athletes in maintaining health and ensuring safe participation in training and competition
Objectives of a PPE?
primary or essential:
- detect conditions that may limit participation
- detect conditions that may predispose to injury
- meet legal and insurance requirements
- f/u previous injuries conditions, surgeries
secondary or ideal:
- assess general health and ID health-risk behaviors: potential for discovering previously undetected condition
- assess physical maturity
- determine fitness and performance level
When should PPEs be done?
- should be performed at least 6 wks beginning of sports to allow adequate time to address any issues
- must be done annually for high school athletes by montana regulations
- comprehensve baseline PPE before initiating sports season
- subsequent annual PPes may be limited to recent injuries but also include review of cardiopulm system
Diff formats of PPE?
office based:
- advantages of physician-pt familiarity, privacy, and continuity of care
- disadvantages: cost, limited appt time and lack of communication back to school athletic staff
group screening:
- specialized personnel, time, and cost efficiency
- disadvantages: rushed, lack of privacy, potential for poor f/u of ID problems
Diff stations for a PPE?
- sign in
- ht/wt
- vitals
- vision
- hx review
- PE
What are impt questions to ask in medical hx?
- CV questions are key: ID hypertrophic cardiomyopathy marfans premature atherosclerosis - health: risk behaviors, femal athletic triad
What are CV causes of sudden death?
- hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- anomalies of coronary arteries
- atherosclerotic heart disease
- marfans syndrome (Aortic rupture)
- aortic stenosis
- mitral valve prolapse
- myocarditis
What is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy?
- primarily a disease of myocardium w/ hypertrophy w/o any obvious cause
- frequently asx until sudden cardiac death
- 0.2% of general pop
Specific ?s to ask that focus on CV health?
- have you ever passed out during or after exercise?
- has anyone in your family died of heart problems or sudden death b/f age of 50? - if yes, need very thorough w/u
HEENT part of PE?
- pupils (for anisocoria - unequal pupil size) and visual acuity
- swimmer, scuba divers, and wrestlers may reqr special evals
- smokeless tobacco users reqr oropharynx eval
CV part of PE?
- BP measurements w/ appropriate cuff size:
Younger than 10: greater than 125/75
older than 10: over 135/85 - palpation of upper and lower extremity pulses: brachial-femoral delay may mean coarctation of aorta
- heart auscultation in 2 positions and w/ provocative maneuvers (valsava, deep inspiration, squatting) may help detect murmurs
- isolated premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) most commonly found - rarely of consequence
- benign arrhythmias:
unifocal in origin
disappear w/ exercise
no hx of syncope w/ exercise - coupling w/ PVCs may indicate myocarditis
MSK part of PPE?
- impt to ID musculotendinous, bone or jt probs that may limit participation or predispose to injury:
shoulder instability, ACL deficiency, unrehabbed ankle instability - any positive responses in hx reqr thorough eval
- screening for flexibility
- screening for general neuro exam, soliosis
Are routine screening tests recommended?
- not recommended and remains unproven:
- CBC, UA, chem profikes, sickle cell trait
- EKG, echo
- radiographs
What questions should you consider b/f you clear an athlete to play?
- must be familiar w/ demands of specific sports
- will the problem increase the athlete’s risk of morbidity or mortality?
- will other participants be at risk of morbidity?
- will further eval, tx or rehab allow full participation?
- could athlete be allowed limited participation?
What are medico-legal considerations you need to keep in mind?
- the athlete may have legal right to participate against medical advise
- recommend that a waiver be used
- majority of medical liability coverages don’t include anything about PPEs
What are specific medical condions that may restrict a pt’s ability to participate?
- alantoaxial instability: reqr clearance, Down’s disease
- bleeding disorders reqr specific clearance
- heart murmurs: if non-specific may be released
- diabetes: may participate if controlled, specific concern for activities that last longer than 30 min
Why is sickle cell impt to screen for? Screening should be considered in what pop?
- linked to increase risk for heat illness and sudden cardiac death
- screening should be considered in athletes w/ a family hx of sickle cell trait or in athletes of African descent and a hx of exertional rhabdomyolysis
Can pts w/ HIV, 1 kidney, and sickle cell be cleared?
- HIV: cleared but health care personnel must use universal caution
- absence of kidney: cleared but w/ counseling and protection for contact
- sickle cell trait: unlikely that they have an increased risk of sudden death or other medical problems w/ exception of extreme conditions of heat, humidity, elevation
What are red flags on PPE?
- hx of exercise intolerance
- syncope or near syncope
- chest pain w/ exercise
- a family hx of unexplained death b/f age of 50
- family hx of hyperlipidemia