Preparing a Bacterial Smear From a Culture on a Solid Agar Surface Flashcards
For lab practical
What is the 1st step for a bacterial smear?
Label the slide with the name of the bacteria
What is the 2nd step for a bacterial smear?
Sterilize the loop through the flame until it turns red, and letting it cool
What is the 3rd step for a bacterial smear?
Place a loop-ful of distilled water on the center of the slide
What is the 4th step for a bacterial smear?
Holding the loop in my right hand, pick up the tube in my left hand. Using my right pinky, remove the cap on the tube and quickly pass the tube through the flame at an angle 3 times. Sterilize the loop through the flame until it turns red and allow to cool
What is the 5th step for a bacterial smear?
Insert loop into the agar and transfer a small amount of culture from the surface
What is the 6th step for a bacterial smear?
Spread the culture on the loop in the distilled water, making a thin film
What is the 7th step for a bacterial smear?
Sterilize the loop by passing it in the flame until it turns red. Set aside the loop
What is the 8th step for a bacterial smear?
Add a clip to the end of the slide. Quickly pass the slide through the flame 3 times with the smear side up to heat fix the slide